Rebuttal to Emmett Moore Jr ( via Review

(click on image or link below to view daily Broker Profit/Loss statement)

TheStrategyLab redacted screenshot (above/left) of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platform is from the archive chat logs @


You'll find here our favorite reviews (testimonials or accolades) of TheStrategyLab resources from among +1815 comments that has been sent to us by traders we've freely helped and by fee-based clients that have a sincere interest in our trade methodology.

Also, we discuss two particular negative reviews in the message post called " Review" in which the review bloggers violated our terms of use policy...resulting in them being banned. Soon after the ban, they retailiated via posting a negative review about our website/forum/chat room. In addition, we've identified several trolls because their behavior is an example of what's wrong with the internet in today's social media.

The testimonials (accolades) posted within this thread will help those traders having difficulty via search engines to find out the opinions or experiences of those that actually used our methods while posting real-time trades in our free chat room & broker statements in their private threads. In fact, most of our clients are satisfied with TheStrategyLab resources while only a handful are not satisfied.

@ What is WRB Analysis ?
@ wrbtrader @ Frequently Asked Questions @ Risk Warnings @ Terms of Use Policy @ Disclaimer Statement

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Rebuttal to Emmett Moore Jr ( via Review

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

TheStrategyLab / M.A. Perry
wrbtrader / Price Action Trading
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)
a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): &
Twitter @
Stocktwits @
TradingView @
Twitch @

Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)

(click on image or link below to view daily Broker Profit/Loss statement)

Image Large screenshot of the redacted screenshot to the left @

Image Archive chat log for the redacted screenshot to the left @

I am the owner of this website called and some images on this webpage represent what some users in the private free chat room were able to see via live screen sharing meeting. They then saw the exact same trades being posted in the free chat room.

I took a quick screenshot during the screen sharing or within minutes after I completed my last trade of the day for marketing purposes, for my private trade journal documentation, and for verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the free chat room for those that were not in the chat room or not allowed in the screen sharing for whatever reason with others that were allowed.

Next, I post the redacted screenshot within minutes in my trade journal after the last trade of the trading day.

Screenshots from the other two monitors not shown here for security & privacy reasons involving my correlation analysis, intermarket analysis, intramarket analysis, and privacy of others in the live screen sharing meeting. I do not show the screenshots of my other monitors to prevent trolls, haters, and non-believers from having access to certain information and benefiting from this info that I routinely use in my trading plan while they bash TheStrategyLab.

By the way, my broker emails broker statements only at night...I then upload the statements to my private thread along with my redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in the broker trade execution platform, images of correlation analysis, and images of inter/intramarket analysis.

I document my trading like this every trading day (several different times per day) so that I know what my monitors looked like on a specific trading day because I use different templates in my chart configurations and my broker PnL statement screens in a multiple monitor workstation. The different templates are due to the fact that I trade differently as volatility changes throughout the trading day while using different Key KME WRB Zones.

TheStrategyLab Recent Trade Performance via Broker Trade Information with Timestamps

(verification redacted screenshots of trade performance from private trade journal)

Image Larger redacted screenshot of wrbtrader Broker PnL Statement to the left @

Image wrbtrader Broker Trade Fills @

Image wrbtrader Broker Audit Trail @


Image Larger redacted screenshot of TheStrategyLab wrbtrader M.A. Perry Actual Full Broker Statement @


(verification via CME Group Trading Competition)

Image CME Group Recent Trade Competition Results @

TheStrategyLab price action trading - no indicators and no automation

Personal Info about me @ & (Lakȟótiyapi)


This is my official rebuttal to a review of my website TheStrategyLab by Emmett Moore Jr. and the reasons why it is a long rebuttal message is because Emmett Moore Jr. posted review of TheStrategyLab/wrbtrader (that's me) contains a lot disinformation, misinformation...very few truths.

I will post a rebuttal (review) to a reviewer after their review of TheStrategyLab regardless if their review was positive or negative. Further, this is my review of the dirty side of the review business that many do not know about involving charlatans like Emmett Moore Jr...this is a review of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools ------->

My research involved his own words on his blog, communication with owners of signal-calling trade alert rooms, chat rooms that ask their members to post trades/market analysis, and traders who have verified their communication with Emmett Moore Jr. He claims to be a self-taught quant. I'm sure real quants will have issues with his claims because he has no formal education background, never worked for a financial institution as a quant, and has no real money/no simulator trading records as a quant.

Yet, he does post "hypothetical backtest results" (he admits it on his blog) of trading systems and custom indicators he has researched/reviewed. Thus, he does not post verification of real money trading redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills (time of entry/exit, price entry/exit, and position size) to show any type of correlation to the key concepts taught by any trading vendor.

Thus, real quants see him as just another con man when in reality he's only a real estate/mortgage agent that has a side gig review blog about fake gurus in the financial markets for his entertainment pleasure...soon after getting released from prison as an SEC felon. Others have stated that he suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect when he talks about his performance as a quant.

Key Aspect of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools Review Blog: The few sites that he recommends & partners with and states customers can replicate the signal-caller trade alerts...the readers of those reviews should demand Emmett Moore Jr. to post his redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify the replication (copy/mimic) merits of the service offered by the signal-caller trade alert vendor...real money trading.
Once again but worded differently, Emmett Moore Jr. should be only recommending vendors that he is profitable using their resources (e.g. signal calling trade alert, mentoring/coaching, etc) along with him being able to post verification of his trade performance by showing redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills (entry/exit time, entry/exit price, position size of each trade) in broker trade execution platform without any exceptions.
In addition, he needs to ask to see the same verification of trade performance of his "guest visitors" posting at his Tradingschools review blog for any services they bash/recommend to verify their trade performance by showing some of their redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills (entry/exit time, entry/exit price, position size of each trade) in broker trade execution platform for the days they used the service.

Emmett Moore Jr. and his minions that are not able to verify their trade performance and not able to verify using the vendor's service that correlates with the trade performance at the minimum for a proper review...their commentary should then be viewed as hearsay. Further, you should review the archives of his review blog to see if he's posted his redacted screenshots of trade performance for any vendor services to verify correlation to the services while he reviewed the services he recommends or'll see a pattern with his fraud.


My real name is M.A. Perry and several users of WRB Analysis (free users and fee-base clients) contacted me about the review by Emmett Moore Jr. in May 2016. Users of WRB Analysis then sent me a copy with a direct link although I was aware that Emmett Moore Jr. was going to do a review.

I then visited his review blog once to see the review to make my own image copies for document verification without debating with this fictional/delusional writer about his false narratives involving his review (opinions when I banned Emmett Moore Jr. after our only telephone conversation prior to the review) of TheStrategyLab. Another reason for making image copies of his review was because I strongly believed his blog would go under or stop doing reviews for legal reasons that Mr. Moore would not disclose to the public (his readers). Essentially my image copies are my evidence of his review of TheStrategyLab just in case he tries to reinvent himself somewhere else online.

Simply, there is no need for me to respond to his blog just in case he tries to bait me into responding to his blog so that his blog can get more view counts and for his amusement.

Not worth responding to a fool at his review blog when the response he deserves (the facts) should be posted here in my backyard as a review of Emmett Moore Jr. of

In addition, I have tremendous respect for those who received positive reviews and then refused to partner/affiliate with these individuals because it's something you do not want on your résumé. In contrast, I have no respect for the few websites out there promoting their positive review by this convicted felon without disclosing they have a partnership/affiliation with him.

Let us get started.


TheStrategyLab is an educational, research/development site of price action trade strategies without automation, with inputs from inter/intra market analysis, correlation analysis, volatility analysis, quantitative statistical analysis, market tendencies and behavioral finance. Hence the word "Lab" in the in laboratory...we believe that successful trading is part science, part art, and part psychology. This was discussed with Emmett Moore Jr. in our only telephone conversation.

Yet, we do have some users of WRB Analysis using automation trading embedded with key concepts from WRB Analysis (e.g. profit targets via WRBs, WRB Hidden GAPs, or WRB Zones) although TheStrategyLab does not use automation in its trading.

This is clearly discussed @ about, faq, wrbtrader webpages, and our use of different strategies for different types of market conditions. Unfortunately, most traders that solicit us...they are looking for a signal calling trade alert room or want to be coached/mentored and then become angry because we're upfront with them that we do not offer those services. Also, this was discussed with Emmett Moore Jr. in our only telephone conversation.

Not discussed with Emmett Moore Jr., there are traders and websites marketing & selling my WRB Hidden GAP interval key concept objective rules from tutorial chapter 1 of my WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as an indicator for trade signals...producing poor trade performances because the indicator ignores key concepts from tutorial chapters 2 & 3 from the free study guide.

More importantly, they can not code the part psychology and part art of my trading that is critical to work with tutorial chapters 2 & 3 to help produce my trade performance...more info @ WRB Hidden Gap Indicator & Wide Range Bar Analysis - Warning
Unfortunately, some users are creating mechanical visual alerts to the identification of WRB Hidden GAP intervals and then using it as a trade signal strategy while their custom indicators ignore key concepts that are the foundation tutorial chapter 2 of the of WRB Analysis Freee Study Guide called Key Market Events (KMEs), swing points WRB Zones, and strong continuation WRB Zones. The result - Useless custom indicators that were not profitable along with the fact that they're not able to verify any profitability in real money trading.

I strongly suspect this is one of the reasons that attracted Emmett Moore Jr. to TheStrategyLab because he does not believe a retail trader can be profitable without a custom indicator. Therefore, made an error in assuming TheSrategyLab trade performance was because of custom indicators.

Simply, he was searching for a custom indicator or trying to find a way to create an indicator from WRB Analysis key concepts. His error was compounded because he thought he was using the Trading Manual when in reality he was using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

That did not work and he diverted his attention to trying to find a way to use my free chat room as a signal-calling trade alert room that has someone telling him what to trade when to buy, and when to sell until he realized I did not offer that service. Thus, as a retaliation, he would lie to me about the purpose of his review of TheStrategyLab by saying he received complaints while refusing to disclose what were the complaints.

Telephone Conversation

The only telephone conversation between Emmett Moore Jr. and I occurred in April 2016....he did not ask me any questions about my personal background, trading background, quantitative statistical analysis nor questions about my services involving WRB Analysis...I thought that was odd because he said he was doing a review. In contrast, we mainly talked about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, Dr. Dean Handley, the referral program, partnerships (lack of), and trading accounts. More precisely, I did the talking and he just listened.

In my opinion, he felt he was not required to respond to any questions I aimed at him about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide or Dr. Dean Handley. He in turn asked me questions about my referral program, partnerships, and trading accounts. Simply, his first and only conversation with me...I wanted it to be one-sided.
Just as odd, he was using a throw-away telephone number. It's odd because his review blog does not list any contact telephone numbers at the time Emmett Moore Jr. contacted me by telephone. More importantly, I realized he's a deceptive bullshitter prior to our only telephone conversation.
In fact, he did not ask me any questions about WRB Analysis nor did he ask me any questions about my education resources (trading courses) but he did request that I send him a redacted screenshot of one trading day as if he did not understand one trading day with a single redacted screenshot of trades in my broker trade execution platform or one redacted screenshot of a broker statement does not verify someone's performance record. It's just a cat-and-mouse game that this review idiot plays and I politely decline his request (I said NO) considering they are already posted on TheStrategyLab's website and forum for anyone to download without interacting with me.

He suddenly changed his mind and then politely stated he wanted access to my trading accounts as if I didn't know his criminal background, arrest, and conviction for stealing millions of dollars in a Ponzi scheme.


I was a little shocked and said excusez moi. He then politely replied "...of course, only with your permission".

I then want access to my trading accounts but only after I refuse to send you a redacted screenshot of just one single day...any trading day even though you can easily copy or download any of the hundreds of redacted screenshots already posted on my website and forum ?


Emmett Moore Jr., a stranger on the telephone in his first conversation with me while not telling me he's an SEC felon but wants access to my trading accounts. This was his true dark agenda under the façade of a review as an SEC felon, fraud, liar, impersonator, and hacker.
Now ask yourself why Emmett Moore Jr. of wouldn't mention in his written review about asking for access to my trading accounts ?
I then wonder what he could have done had I idiotically ignored all cyber-security rules to then give him access to my financial data and money.

Just as strange, the written review by this fraud posted on his review blog about TheStrategyLab...not once did he mention WRB Analysis in his written review. It contradicts what he stated to me in the only conversation between us two...he's doing a review of my trade method and trade performance in using the trade method.

Further, he does not mention the name of any trading course that I offer even when he categorizes TheStrategyLab in the Trading Course category. That's strange because he states in reviews of others that he puts a lot of research into each review...lots of time and effort. It's comical because WRB Analysis is mentioned everywhere on TheStrategyLab website, forum, registration emails, and access instructions for my education resources. More importantly, I mentioned to him many times in the telephone conversation that WRB Analysis is the foundation of my trading.

Yet, bravo, he did mention the words "volatility analysis" although he failed to write a single sentence about other key concepts in my trading in his written review of analysis, intra-market analysis, position size management that is mentioned on my FAQ, About and Education Resource webpages...topics I briefly discussed with him in our telephone conversation.

Just as important, also very strange, his review does not once mention that TheStrategyLab requires users to post verification of learning (understanding) of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide (the foundation of WRB Analysis) prior to access to any of our resources since 2005. This wasn't just a requirement for fee-based became a requirement for free users too in 2009 as shown @

In fact, you can see the misinformation/disinformation by this fraud of a reviewer on full display when he begins writing about my referral program by using the words "affiliation program"'s the only resource he writes about using @ TheStrategyLab while he does not mention using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide nor does he mention its name. Thus, Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states the following in the written review...

...I was so impressed that I simply had to sign up for Mr. Perry's affiliation program that pays an amazing 25% of all sales for his trading manual!
FYI, it is called a "referral program". In fact, the link has the words "Referral Program" @
and it is obvious why he did not want to post the above link in his written review along with the fact that Emmett Moore Jr. does not write a negative statement about the referral's because he was never a member of the referral program.

By the way, he does not know the difference between a Referral Program versus an Affiliation Program.

I will now explain the difference between the two types of programs.
The key difference is that an affiliate program focuses on third-party brand advocates to send customers to your business for a flat fee. In contrast, a referral program (aka refer-a-friend program) is focused on rewarding current customers (one-time discounts, store credits, a gift card, or a service upgrade) that use word of mouth, social media sharing, and/or email marketing to invite their friends to purchase your product/service.
[ec44] In addition, read the qualifications to be in my referral program (link above and below) to see why it is one more reason why I describe Emmett Moore Jr. as being unintelligible. Thus, besides the fact that he writes incorrectly that it is an affiliation program...

You'll see that he intentionally does not write that individuals must qualify to be able to earn income in my referral program by posting their DOKs and Redacted Screenshots of timestamp trade fills in the broker trade execution platform to verify their understanding/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with their trade signal strategy.

Could it be that the qualification requirement for my referral program is one of the reasons why Emmett Moore Jr. was not able to gain access to the referral program...very frustrating for him too because he's not able to verify that he learned (understood)/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide merged with his trade signal strategies for a proper review ?

Also, I may be the first trader/vendor that he has come across that requires traders in my referral program to have a verified trade performance record of learning/applying WRB Analysis merged with their trade signal strategy at the time of their referrals.

Referral Program @

I am now going to put more emphasis on my referral program because it is the only resource at TheStrategyLab that he writes about although he incorrectly refers to it as an affiliation program.

Yet, he did write about another resource (trading manual) that has not existed since 2005 although he fails to identify the actual title of the book...Manuel de Négociation (it's written in French). The point being made here is that not only did we not discuss the trading manual...he obviously did not have access to my trading manual because he would have mentioned it in his review that the trading manual is written in French, identified the title of the book, the specific markets applicable for using the trade strategies, contains broker statements from 2005 and that it is no longer applicable in today's markets as stated in the trading manual to anyone that planned to use it beyond 2005 without consulting with me.

A quick summary - Emmett Moore Jr. writes about my referral program that he's not able to verify he was a member and he writes falsely about my trading manual book that he does not have access to because it has not existed since 2005...written only in French, applicable to only a few markets back in 2005, not applicable to today's markets, and given away for free to close personal friends but a few of its chapters involved the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

Regardless, in my only conversation with Emmett Moore Jr. on the telephone...I did ask him what resources (free or paid) did he use after he stated he was going to write a review of
Reminder - Emmett Moore Jr. refused to give me his email address after I requested it when he stated in his opening statements on the telephone that I have not responded to his emails, he refused to tell me the complaints made to him about TheStrategyLab after he stated he was doing a review because of complaints, and he refused to tell me which resources of TheStrategyLab he used for his review prior to me refusing his request to send him a redacted screenshot of just one single trading day...any trading day (his exact words) while reminding him that my redacted screenshots are already posted all over the forum & website for him to download/copy anytime at his convenience without him needing to interact with me.
Think very carefully about the toxic behavior of Emmett Moore Jr...he uses multiple online aliases, different personalities, impersonations (member shares log-in credentials with him), VPNs, rented IP addresses, voice-changing apps, and secret affiliations with other resellers (copyright protection violators) all while he resides between California, Florida, and Texas.

This must be someone who's schizophrenic and he wants access to my trading accounts.

I almost forgot to remind you that one of the reasons why I refused to give him access to my trading accounts was that I was holding him accountable for his past & current criminal activity after his behavior in another review...he had no remorse for ruining the financial lives of his victims in a Ponzi scheme that resulted in him being arrested...then convicted. It seems that his regret as an SEC felon was the multiple millions of dollars that he stole from his victims...he implied he regrets being caught when he writes he wishes he could have kept the money. :((

Just as bizarre, he does not mention his request to give him access to my trading accounts in his written review of TheStrategyLab so that he does not want you to know he wanted access to my private financial information. Seriously, the multiple identity idiot thought I would give him the username & password to my private financial data.

Later, in his written review...he would state he used my affiliation program although I knew he was writing about my referral program. Another way to look at his written review...he did not use any other resource and that explains why he's not able to write about using any other of my resources and explains why he does not write the words WRB Analysis in his written review nor does he mention requesting access to my trading accounts. [ec25]
While you're reviewing my referral program at the above Emmett Moore Jr.'s review of TheStrategyLab and you'll see that he does not mention the verification of trade performance images posted on my referral program webpage that includes a verification of trade performance image by a member of TheStrategyLab along with a direct link to other members verification of trade performance...all using WRB Analysis in their trading.
(click on image link below to review TheStrategyLab Member's Referral Program Trade Performace)

Image TheStrategyLab referral program member timestamp closed transaction window @

These two qualification requirements (DOKs, Redacted Screenshots of Trade Fills in broker trade execution platform) are to ensure that traders promoting my Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy, Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters, and the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies have a strong understanding/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with their trade signal courses not mentioned in Emmett Moore Jr. review of TheStrategyLab nor mentioned by any visitor that replied at his blog to the review.

Regardless, my referral program is designed so that users of WRB Analysis will do their due diligence and can honestly give their opinion about the merits of WRB Analysis (good or bad) as a verified user of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide that's the foundation of all of my resources.

Another way to view don't want someone referring you to my education resources when the referrer isn't able to explain the key concepts from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

Also, you don't want a referrer that has never used WRB Analysis in their trading and you want someone that can show verification (redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform) for the application of WRB Analysis in their trade performance. In addition, some of our referral program members do invite other traders to their private thread to review broker statements, audit trail windows, trade fills windows, professional trade journal quantitative statistical analysis, and WRB Analysis explanation of the trade fills posted in their private trade journal.

Continuing, he writes about an affiliation program and the trading manual in the same paragraph as if he's confusing the trading manual with maybe the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide although he fails to write about the WRB Analysis Free Study. Strangely, Emmett Moore Jr. does not post a direct link to the Trading Manual and he's not able to discuss the one month of daily broker statements with WRB Analysis price action explanation with the name of the trade signal strategy used for each trade shown in the Trading Manual. Here is the direct link @ TheStrategyLab about the Trading Manual...a trading manual that's not mentioned on my referral program webpage stated...has it been available since 2005 and it is not applicable in today's markets.

Oddly, incorrectly, he does state the Trading Manual does not contain objective rules without mentioning (quoting) a single rule discussed in the Trading Manual manual that he believes is subjective. Further, the actual name of the trading manual is Manuel de Négociation, and the entire trading manual is written in French. More importantly, he doesn't mention those two particular details in his written review.

In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. does not mention anything about my French & Lakota background but he does incorrectly identify me as being black while he states I live in Canada. It did make me laugh when I read that in his written review...another scratching-my-head moment because I openly (publicly) discuss my personal background.



Now back to his review of my referral program he incorrectly writes that it is an affiliation program...

Where are his DOKs, where are his redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform considering he stated "I simply had to sign up for it" and why didn't he mention the qualification requirements in his written review ?

Seriously, if Emmett Moore Jr. was in my referral program...why doesn't he mention the username he used in my referral program especially after he incorrectly refers to it as selling my trading manual ? It was stupidity on his part to not mention the specific names of any trading courses @ TheStrategyLab that he would have used to qualify for the referral program while he correctly listed TheStrategyLab in the trading course category.

Stupidity becomes Misinformation

Emmett Moore Jr. does not mention that the trading manual is written in French and its name is Manuel de Négociation. Also, not mentioned in his review is that the manual has not been available since 2005 along with the fact that the referral webpage does not mention any trading manual but the referral webpage does mention the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide in the requirement (qualification) section.

In fact, even though he didn't listen well in the telephone conversation, he still didn't see the words WRB Analysis mentioned about a dozen times on my referral webpage along with multiple mentioning of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, and the same on many other important web pages @ TheStrategyLab. This is another example from many about the poor research skills and/or intentional misinformation/disinformation by Emmett Moore Jr. that guarantees he and I will never have another conversation or email. Actually, his emails will never reach my inbox unless he uses another fake identity with a new email address.

Something else as a reminder...

Emmett Moore Jr. has often written in his Tradingschools review blog that he does telephone recordings of those he his own written words...with call recorder turned on although he did not say in his written review of TheStrategyLab that he had recorded our telephone conversation as he did in reviews of others.

If that's true of the telephone recordings of those he has reviewed, you would think he would playback his recording of our telephone conversation and become curious about the many times I mentioned the words WRB Analysis and the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide along with hearing again that I stated he can download the trade verification information from my website or forum after he stated he wanted me to send him one redacted screenshot of a single trading day...any trading day.

Simply, he creates the illusion of a "cat and mouse game" on his review blog when in reality his online behavior contradicts his statement that vendors are evasive or dodgy. In fact, he brags on his review blog that he uses other identities along with him soliciting help from others (I prefer to call them minions) who also hide their identities. seem perplexed, confused, and frustrated after they create so many cat-and-mouse games via their multiple different smells like (pun intended) they don't sit down together to get their stories straight. Yet, it does make his minions liable too for misinformation/disinformation.
  • By the way, telephone recordings without the consent of the person being recorded is a criminal offense (violation of wiretapping laws) in the state where Emmett Moore Jr. resides...more about that later in this rebuttal.
If Emmett Moore Jr. thinks his telephone recordings are not illegal...why doesn't he post a small excerpt of our telephone conversation at his review blog to verify anything he has written that I've contradicted in my rebuttal here @ TheStrategyLab ?

In contrast, he makes it very clear in his written review that I refused to show any verification of my trade performance and he goes on to say it made him very frustrated when in reality he wanted me to send him copies (not mentioned in his written review) after I informed him he can copy or download the verification of trade performance information anytime he wants and I will not spoon-feed him the verification of trade performance information. Therefore, there's no need for him to contact me.

My reply seem to piss him off and frustrate him that I continued pointing him to the verification images that are already randomly posted on the website, forum, and within some of my social media profiles. He then triples down on his request...he asks for a single day of trade performance verification...any trading day to be sent to him.
  • At one point, I asked Emmett Moore Jr. if he reviewed any of my daily trade journal logs ???
Daily trade journal, trade performance screenshot, and archived chat log at the below links for one trading day that several different IP addresses from the area of Emmett Moore Jr. residence in California...IP addresses that clicked on these links and then downloaded the information...multiple times...sometimes using VPNs and rented IP addresses.

The same (view/copy/download) occurred for many other verifications of trade performance all over the website and forum...from the same IP addresses.

Image Large screenshot of image to the above/right @

Image Daily Trade Journal for image to the above/right @

Image Archive chat log for image to the above/right @

I reminded him again that there are many different types of verifications of trade performance images already posted on many different webpages, chat room logs et cetera. Yet, my forum public trade journal at the TSL Support Forum has at least one trade performance verification image for each day I traded including a direct link to the public chat logs where members and myself post our trades in real-time (usually within seconds after confirmation within our broker trade execution platform) via a trade posting auto-script on IRC. Chat room logs are then auto-uploaded each trading night.

After I saw the logs of the IP addresses from his area of residence...accessing my website and forum...I knew it was Emmett Moore Jr. because the IP address was from his area of residence. Yet, playing some type of cat & mouse game with his request to send him my redacted screenshots as if he wanted me to either email them to him or send them to him via the postal service. Reminder...this is the same guy who wanted access to my trading accounts. :lol:

Yet, it is not uncommon for reviewers to be really trying to steal a trader's trade strategy and then try to create an automated trading system or custom indicators. They then become very frustrated when they're not able to automate the vendor's trade method. I became familiar with one particular troll of TheStrategyLab that has the digital fingerprints of Emmett Moore Jr. as discussed @ (Trolls Review)

As I stated, his review is comical because Emmett Moore Jr. refers to himself as someone who writes an official review. An official review would imply he used the services and then documented (with screenshots) for verification about his use of the service to prevent looking like, le bouffon, so that he can then give his opinion about his personal use of the products/services to prevent being sued in court.
  • Emmett Moore Jr. is a misinformation/disinformation quack and the worst reviewer in the world.
Further, his review looks more like he's a fraud that ONLY wanted to make easy money, with no effort to know WRB Analysis, off the back of my hard work. Somewhere along the way, he became angry when he in fact was not able to qualify for my referral program. He then intentionally refused to mention the name of the foundation of my trade methodology...WRB Analysis in his written review as if it did not exist. It's the exact same behavior he has about my verification of trade performance images.

(click on image link below to review TheStrategyLab Member's Private Thread Section) (members' private thread names redacted for privacy)

I then told him I have a private trade journal section for members (the most active section of the forum) to post their verification of trade performance images that correlate with their WRB Analysis and/or correlate with their posted trades in the free chat room. He wasn't interested in the verification of trade performance by members of TheStrategyLab that used my WRB Analysis in their trading...he was only interested in my redacted screenshots.

That's when I grew tired of Emmett Moore Jr's bullshit requests and begin to make my own requests about his association with Dr. Dean Handley.

In reality, he was more interested in playing cat & mouse games including him not wanting to do his own quantitative statistical analysis of my trade posts (time of entry/exit, price entry/exit, trade type, position size) via whatever metrics he wanted as Dr. Dean Handley did on his own because I refused to give anyone access to my professional trade journal quantitative statistical analysis that includes WRB Analysis metrics. Actually, a real reviewer & researcher would do an easy one month of quantitative statistical analysis of my trades posted in the free chat room.

At this point, I realized I was listening to someone on the telephone that was acting more like a fraud under the façade of a reviewer which I would soon learn on my own during the telephone conversation that he was in fact an SEC felon / liar / fraud / hacker.
  • That's when Emmett Moore Jr. admitted on the telephone that he really only wanted me to give him access to my trading accounts with my permission. Also, he didn't mention this particular request in his written review of TheStrategyLab.
A con man, liar, hacker that uses voice-changer apps, throw-away telephone numbers, VPNs, and Rented IP addresses...talking to me for the first time (only time) on the telephone and then asking for access to my trading accounts. At this point, I was no longer in the mood for troll-like games from someone on the telephone that obviously was psychotic in his online behavior.

Image Hypocrisy

In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states at his review blog under the headline that Day Trading: Its for SUCKERS. Here's the Proof @

Emmett Moore Jr. does not believe you can be profitable at day trading. In fact, he posted a link at his review blog (see above link or image/right) about a study published in 2019 by the Sao Paulo School of Economics, Brazil South America. He states that the study proves day trading is not profitable all while his review blog recommends / partners with a handful of signal calling day trading trade alert trading vendors that he states you can highly replicate their signal calls.
Further, he wants you the reader of his review blog to believe him and to use the services of the day trading vendors that he recommends and partners with. Simply, he's conditioning his readers on a subconscious level that they will not succeed at day trading even if they use the services of the vendors that he recommends / partners to you while fattening his pockets with a financial kickback that those vendors give to him for sending them another SUCKER.

As I've stated, Emmett Moore Jr. is a con man, fraud, and deceptive idiot in his own words.

In contrast, I know that day trading is profitable for a small percentage of traders (professional and retail) but I do not believe someone can be profitable at replicating (copying) trades posted in a signal calling trade alert room or trades posted by a profitable trader that has verification of their profits as explained below.

I don't doubt the study but I do not know any traders that trade Brazilian Equity Futures and when the study uses the word "learned"...I'm assuming it's referring to mentoring or coaching as in teach how to trade successfully. Yet, at the same time...there's no explanation about what is mentoring, the type of mentoring performed, and I assume it believes that ALL daytraders have been mentored by someone.

In addition, there's an assumption that ALL daytraders are trying to trade for a living. In reality, most day traders are self-taught and trading is just a hobby or a part-time job to them.

As a reminder, TheStrategyLab does not mentor/coach (teach how to daytrade) although Emmett Moore Jr. was writing about daytrading in general. Regardless, my issue is not with the study especially considering there are other studies out there that came to a different conclusion involving other futures markets. The issue I have is that Emmett Moore Jr. recommends/partners with daytrading vendors while he strongly believes that daytrading is for SUCKERS.

It's also his way to admit that he himself is not profitable at daytrading even though he has promoted himself in the past as a successful quant that can help you design trading systems that in successful in helping you to make money in the markets.

Now back to my referral program...

His only argument may be that TheStrategyLab has too many webpages to read. Yet, I will counter that if you're going to mention specific webpages @ TheStrategyLab in your written review such as my referral honest instead of intentionally posting misinformation/disinformation.
  • By the way, Dr. Dean Handley did speak to several members of TheStrategyLab, upon request, that had verified their trade performance involving their use of WRB Analysis. They told Dr. Dean Handley their honest opinions (good and bad) about my education content. Emmett Moore Jr. wasn't interested when I mentioned that fact to him.
Just in case you're curious, I believe in 2011, the redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform as a new requirement to verify the application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide beyond the referral program...let traders know that TheStrategyLab was very professional and we didn't want any wannabe traders unwilling to verification of learning/application.

Simply, I begin to use it as a requirement to qualify traders for access to the free chat room, private thread section, and entry into my fee-based education resources but it was not strictly enforced until 2014. This is a key requirement because it occurred after I discover a few new members in the chat room were broadcasting my posted trades to another chat room that was being used as a signal calling trade alert room for a fee.
I banned them, without warning, from my free chat room and banned them from access to any of TheStrategyLab's fee-based education content...cutting them off from the income source that they profited by broadcasting my posted trades to other online realtime communication locations...a few of them vowing payback. This is when the trolling of TheStrategyLab and threats begin.

That's the reason why it's very strange for someone that refers to themself as a reviewer at a review blog...the reviewer does not mention WRB Analysis, DOKs, Redacted Screenshots by members and myself nor mention the requirement to verify learning/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Thus, Emmettt Moore Jr. is most likely a banned user that was not able to verify his own trade performance after he tried to use my resources for something that it was not (e.g. free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room). In fact, it would be a logical explanation to why Emmett Moore Jr. intentionally categorized my free chat room with "live trading rooms"...a category for signal calling trade alert rooms.

Just as bad, Emmett Moore Jr. talks loudly about requesting verification of trade performance from vendors that he reviews...he should be doing the same of anyone that stated they were using ANY of TheStrategyLab resources considering I require such for someone to gain access to my resources and to continue using the resources. As an example, members of the free chat room are required to post verification of trade performance for each day to log into our free chat room regardless if they posted any trades in the free chat room. Traders that are not able to follow our Terms of Use Policy are no longer allowed to use the free chat room.

Now back to my telephone conversation with Emmett Moore Jr...

Emmett Moore Jr. opened the conversation with strange questions, long pauses, lies, and misinformation even continuing with such after I corrected him. For example, his categorizing error about my website was very odd and I realized that he was not listening to the facts...I do not offer services involving signal calling trade alert services (he prefers to call it live trade rooms) that a user pays to be allowed to mimic/copy/piggyback trades nor offer coaching / mentoring services (teach someone how to trade).

I talked about my criticism of those services & distrust of those involved in signal call trade alerts services all over my website, and other forums along with the fact that I ban traders trying to use TheStrategyLab for services I do not offer especially those two particular services. The ban aspect seems to bother him and I begin to wonder if he's someone I've banned in the past for trying to use TheStrategyLab as a signal call trade alert service.

Also, I did enjoy his reaction that I do not advertise outside my website nor spam anyone. He seemed flabbergasted...most likely faking it as if he's been taken advantage of in an effort to fatten his colorful words in the telephone conversation. Further, he seems to not believe the fact that I've only had two online aliases.

I then discover why because during the conversation (I researched his background while he talked) that he himself uses multiple online aliases, different personalities, impersonations, VPNs, rented IP addresses, secret affiliations with others, criminal background and fake marketing he did not disclose to me in the conversation. I begin to think he must be schizophrenic, hacker, troll, charlatan, or all the above. Further, I'm sure he must have begun to realize my developing negative bias towards --> him during the telephone conversation.

I then mentioned the name Dr. Dean Handley to see how he would react and question him about his relationship with Dr. Dean Handley. Emmett Moore Jr. became very evasive. In addition, I told him it's very suspicious that he showed up soon after I asked Dr. Handley to leave. Yet, Emmett Moore Jr. still seemed more interested in talking about my referral program or partnerships...conversation then sour and went south when I continued talking about Dr. Dean Handley in reference to Handley's positive review of TheStrategyLab.

Emmett Moore Jr. suddenly snapped and asked me to send him a redacted screenshot of just one single day...any trading day. I replied that many screenshots are posted all over the website and forum plus real-time trades in the free chat room by members and myself. He only needed to click on the links/screenshots to view them plus there are more screenshots to verify trade performance by members in their private threads.

Oddly, Emmett Moore Jr. seemed not interested but then he gave me the impression he's someone that gets pleasure when someone bows down to him and sends their verification info to him. This is when I realized he enjoys the control or fear when a trader sends him their screenshots of trade performance or broker statements via email, mail, or whatever. It's like he needs someone getting down on their knees in front of him to then do whatever he wants with them which is why he continues making negative/degrading comments about the personality of the trader after they've gotten down on their knees and submitted their verification of trade performance to him.

I'm serious, he uses a 5-star rating system and he still makes negative/degrading comments about traders he gives 4 or 5-star ratings after he views their verification of trade performance. Sometimes he'll go further via making indirect racist comments...most likely because the person has no interest in partnering up with an SEC felon.

Image Thus, his request to send him the verification info was a façade because he was after something else. Guess what ? He did not ask for a monthly broker statement nor ask for a year's worth of broker statements.

Instead, he then asked me to give him access to my trading accounts !!!
Emmett Moore Jr. immediately began sounding like a creepy old man when he suddenly asked for access to my trading accounts like a flasher ripping open his trench coat to expose himself to try to get a reaction out of you. The reality, he's just a stranger on the telephone that behaves like a troll, brags at his blog about using VPNs & rented IP addresses to mask his identity, brags at his blog about making recordings of telephone conversations (he does not ask for consent) with those he reviews (illegal - violation of wiretapping laws in California where the blogger resides), SEC felon that defrauded +600 million dollars from his victims (stealing their life plans/dreams/hope) & drug addict along with lying to me during our brief telephone asking me, over the telephone, for access to my trading accounts.
After I said NO to Emmett Moore Jr. for access to my trading accounts, about a month later, Emmett Moore Jr. proceeded to categorize TheStrategyLab in his review at his blog with mentors and live trade rooms (signal calling alert trade rooms) along with false narratives (misleading, inaccurate assessment) in the review article as if it was my punishment for telling him to click on the redacted screenshots of trade performance images at my website instead of sending them to him when he requested the redacted screenshots...confirming my initial impression about him that he's hypocritical, unethical, fraudulent, vengeful, secret identities and with a child-like temper tantrum...very similar to recent trolls I had banned from TheStrategyLab within a few months before and after his review of TheStrategyLab.

The answer will always be NO to creeps like that and to anyone else asking for access to my trading accounts when they ignore the verification info already posted @ website, forum and chat room while they use VPNs & rented IP addresses to hide their location/identity like a hacker especially those that are unable to post their redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify their trade performance.

Emmett Moore Jr. Criminal Background

Indictment July 24th, 2003: Emmett Moore Jr. & Commercial Express defrauded 700 victims nationwide via telemarketing boiler rooms through a sophisticated Ponzi scheme. Emmett Moore Jr. operated the boiler room called "Top Broker/Market"....investigated by the San Diego Boiler Room Task Force, FBI, IRS, and the United States Postal Inspection Service...all worked closely with the SEC & CFTC. He was charged with wire fraud, mail fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering...later he would plead guilty.

Indictment News Release @


I treated him as he should be treated based upon his criminal background, his public disclosure about masking his identity/location via VPNs & rented IP addresses, his public disclosure of recording telephone conversations (it's illegal because he did not have consented), his public disclosure of inputting pings & codes in emails so that he can watch you in real-time, his use of secret associates, lying to me in our only telephone conversation and then his request to access my trading accounts as if he had the right to access my personal/private financial information...I rightfully treated him like a burglar because his online behavioral patterns are like the psychology of a hacker.

Further, I strongly believe he's too pssst off that we allowed Dr. Handley (his former business partner) into our free chat room even though we eventually asked Dr. Handley to leave the free chat room after we discovered he was mimicking/copying/piggybacking our trades although some of my clients believe Dr. Handley is behind some of the negative posts about TheStrategyLab at Emmett Moore's review blog...scary type of revenge when I refuse to pay to remain in Handley's Global Trade Titans report (positive review).

Simply, had Emmett Moore Jr. not been so skittish & spineless to talk with me about Dr. Handley...he would have learned from us that Dr. Handley asked us for payment soon after his positive review of TheStrategyLab to support a seminar he was scheduled to do that would guarantee TheStrategyLab to be continued mentioned in his Global Trade Titans report.

We refused to pay...refused affiliation. Dr. Handley responded by asking us if we would like to be removed from his database and he asked us if we knew anything about the people he's having legal problems with (Dr. Handley did not mention any specific names of these individuals). We stated he can do whatever he wants but we're not paying to support his seminar under the façade to be continued mentioned in his Global Trade Titans report and we do not care about his legal issues with others...its none of our business.

Image Dr. Dean Handley's Global Trade Titans now pretends we never existed...we're not even on their "dropped list" @

Soon after, Emmett Moore Jr. shows up via the infamous telephone call to do a review...a coincidence ?

Note: Emmett Moore Jr. is a former business partner of Dr. Handley in the review business. Dr. Handley ended the partnership when he discovered Emmett Moore's company called Moore Marketing Associates was a fake.
From that day going forward...TheStrategyLab was no longer mentioned in Dr. Handley's Global Trade Titans report called Trading Futures Successfully From the Shoulders of Giants.

Later, I discovered that Emmett Moore Jr. or associates were banned a few times via his different user names for violation of my terms of use policy or violation of my copyright protection policy prior to his review of TheStrategyLab...before I knew who they really were.

I offer the following resources and you can re-read his review (image of the review is posted further below) to see that he does not mention the names of any of the below resources...except the chat room that he categorizes intentionally incorrectly as a signal calling trade alert room via the phrase "Live Trade Room".

Most importantly, he does not mention the name WRB Analysis (the foundation of TheStrategyLab) in his review even though I used the name multiple times in our telephone conversation. It's also mentioned all over the website and forum.

Image Free Trade Journal Chat Room called ##TheStrategyLab (members posting their real time trades and real time price action analysis)

Image Free Archive Storage of Chat Logs (timestamp posted real time trades & WRB Analysis & other market commentary)

Image Free Fading Volatility BreakOut (FVB) Trade Signal Strategy

Image Free TSL Discussion Forum

Image Free Support

Image WRB Analysis Free Study Guide @

Users must verify their understanding & application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide via DOKs and then broker statements (simulator trades or real money trades) prior to being allowed to purchase the below fee-base education content.

Image Private threads & Private Trade Journals (most popular) @

Image Fee-Base Price Action Analysis Course called Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters

Image Fee-Base Trading Course called Volatility Trading Report (VTR) Trade Signal Strategies

Trading Courses is one of the few truths that Emmett Moore Jr. correctly categorizes TheStrategyLab although the above specific services in the trading course...he did not discuss at his review blog.

Update 2018: Emmett Moore Jr. review blog no longer has the category Trading Courses...replaced by categories Software and Systems. Makes sense considering he's known to market his automated trading systems & custom indicators.

Soon after, Emmett Moore Jr. would remove other categories from his review blog as if to try to erase or sweep under the rug how he was using those categories as a form of disinformation / misinformation.

What about Verification ?

Reminder - Emmett Moore Jr. intentionally does not mention in his review that users of TheStrategyLab WRB Analysis do in fact post their real-time trades (as fast as possible) in the free chat room that's timestamp. Also, members do post images of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform (simulator & real money) or post broker statements & quantitative statistical analysis via 3rd party professional trade journal software in their private threads...including me.

I specifically told him about the above in our brief telephone conversation and its requirement is written all over the website & forum.

You can better understand what we ask our users to do...backtest (hypothetical) and then forward test (simulator trading) prior to any real money trading. The stronger the correlation metrics between the two, the better the probability will be that similar performance will be achieved in real money trading. Yet, we all know there's a psychological variable that will always be a key input into the real money trading results for trade methods that are not automated.

It's verification about the merits of WRB Analysis by users because we know most out there do not believe in hypothetical or backtesting results without the forward testing. I explained such to him in our brief telephone conversation after he requested to show him verification via "just one single day...any trading day" (his exact words).

Image Archives of WRB Analysis members real time trades @

Image WRB Analysis Members public broker statements prior to May 2011 @

Image wrbtrader's public Trade Journal prior to July 11 2018 @

wrbtrader's public trade journal only contains trade fills in broker trade execution platform & market summaries...registration not require to view. In contrast, there's a private subforum with Intermarket/Intramarket chart configurations, images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform with trade IDs, quantitative statistical analysis via 3rd party professional trade journal software, WRB Analysis trade statistics and used to maintain my trading edge. All of this will eventually be moved into the private trade journal section.

Image Members Private Trade Journals & Members Private Threads after May 2011 @

The private section is free and contains the user's backtesting results ( program), quantitative statistical analysis of trading via 3rd party professional trade journal software (simulator & real money), images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform (simulator & real money) or broker statements with timestamp trade fills....all of this to self help their trading & develop their trading edge.


Fortunately, we have our own copies (.pdf and magazine) but we're not allowed to post the copies because we do not have copyright permission to do such from Stocks & Commodities (issue December 2013) and Futures Truth (issue 2 & 4) magazines.

Image Review in Stocks & Commodities (excerpt) @

The interesting info in the Stocks & Commodities review article is the mentioning that chat rooms (traders) have a circadian rhythm in their performance...something most traders do not realize.

In addition, we were mentioned in an article with the weird title as Altruistic Andromeda All-Star Series...the first mentioned in that article series. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain a copy of that article about top trade rooms & chat rooms.

Yet, we are able to post a similar written review from a MarketClips article @ and the below excerpts.

Image Review in Futures Truth (excerpt) @ and


Funny thing is that even the positive reviews in the above magazines...these magazines articles by Dr. Dean Handley are in fact the start of the misinformation & misleading statements about TheStrategyLab via implying a trader could mimic/copy my trades but they do not mention I will ban traders for trying to do such nor do they mention that our chat room is not a signal calling trade alerts room. Simply, our distrust for reviews begins long before Emmett Moore Jr's negative review in May 2016.

Yet, there are two truthful written review articles by MarketClips and FuturesTrack that specifically say that TheStrategyLab is not a signal call trade alerts service @ and


Review Comparisons: Emmett Moore Jr. is the only one that posted false narratives & disinformation in his review, only one to lie to me in our only telephone conversation, only one with IP addresses associated with a past troll that made threats, only one associated with a past troll that tries to market his automated trading systems to members of my free chat room, only one that did not backtest & simulate trade our trade methods, only one that does not acknowledge our user's broker statements & my own daily broker PnL statements & members posting real time trades in the free chat room, only one with the same registrations as several scam reseller websites of education content & scam robotic trading systems and the only one that's an SEC felon / drug addict / failed quant.

His behavior towards TheStrategyLab is that of someone with a personal vendetta ?


Regardless, our users are required to verify that they're using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, verify they understand it, and verify they can apply it successfully prior to purchase of our fee-base services...another important fact that Emmett Moore Jr. does not mention in his review of TheStrategyLab. We put this requirement in place in 2010 after we discover a few trolls (now banned) telling others that WRB Analysis was too confusing along with the fact that they were trying to resell our services...a violation of our copyright protection policy.

Actually, Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states in his review of TheStrategyLab that he's confused about our free chat room named ##TheStrategyLab when in reality he was looking for a mentoring service (teach how to trade) or signal-calling service (live trading room) that has a guru trader telling you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. He could not find those services @ TheStrategyLab. Instead, he decides to create disinformation (lies) & misinformation.

Emmett Moore Jr. has good skills for a fictional writer but he falls short in the journalist blog in his effort to entertain his core readers for affiliation/partnership dollars with those he's recommending.

More misinformation & lies - He discussed in his review the Trading Manual without saying its a hard copy print of only 7 copies (in french) - not sold since 2005 and only sold in Europe as stated @

The actual name of the trading manual is Manuel de Négociation. As stated, the entire trading manual is written in French and it was never part of the referral program. In contrast, the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters (price action analysis) and the Volatility Trading Report (trade signal strategies) are involved with the referral program. He doesn't mention those particular details in his written review.

Just as important, Emmett Moore Jr. and I did not discuss the trading manual in our only telephone conversation...a trading manual that he does not have access to. Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states in his review that it's subjective and interpretive in nature. There is no defined rule set or systematic method to the trading manual.

Note: I did not discuss the trading manual (it is in French) with him because he does not speak French and it is an old education resource not available since 2005. Also, written on the cover and within its first few pages of the Manuel de Né states Uniquement pour les conditions des marchés financiers en 2005. In contrast, I discussed the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide (price action analysis), Advanced WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters (price action analysis), and the Volatility Trading Report (trade signal strategies) with him in our only telephone conversation.
It's strange he does not mention the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide nor the words WRB Analysis in his review considering I mentioned it multiple times in our telephone conversation as the foundation of my trade method. Also, I mentioned that it's free.
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide @

Read/learn the free study guide...objective rules and price action definitions for WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, volatility spike, contracting volatility, strong continuation price action definitions, swing point price action definitions...all well defined to be used with your trade methods. Many users have posted codes for these price action definitions (e.g. TOS, Ninjatrader, Multicharts, TradeStation). Simply, you'll quickly come to the conclusion that Emmett Moore Jr. couldn't tell you which foot is his left foot or right foot as the image above indicates.

The real issue is that Emmett Moore Jr. was looking for custom indicators & automated trading systems and instead of just saying in his review..."this is not a automated trading system"...he decided to take the route of creating misinformation & lies. It's pathetic behavior in the review business and eventually, his core readers will see through his review scam of TheStrategyLab.

The other reality via his friend's online photos...he's most likely sitting at home drinking beer & gambling while trying to find that magical potion in automated trading systems & custom indicators @

As for the trading manual or any other the old days...a review website or online critic would actually read the book before publicly giving a review about the book to prevent looking like a fool (imbécile, bouffon) considering the trading manual is in French and its English version has never been sold nor shared with anyone.


[/urlnew](click on the image to view full chat log)

March 8th Tuesday 2016

Archive Full Chat Log @

Let's now talk a little about what Emmett Moore Jr. stated about our free chat room called ##TheStrategyLab. He decides to post further misinformation in his review via being dismissive of members' real-time posted trades, price action analysis being posted by members when he specifically stated "all you will find is a list of several people talking to each other".

That above dismissive statement by him implies he was in fact either in the free chat room or he has read the archive public chat logs. Thus, he would then know for a fact that users of WRB Analysis and myself do in fact post our real-time trades, share our WRB Analysis of different trading instruments to help with inter-market analysis, intra-market analysis, and volatility analysis...all in real-time (no hindsight analysis) along with typical trader chit-chat talk. Just read the actual full chat log at the above link to easily see with your own two eyes to contradict his statement that it's a free chat room that "all you will find is a list of several people talking to each other".

Note: He did not ask any questions about our screen share meeting nor did we talk about it.

Also, many of the members in the above archive full chat log do in fact post their broker statements or images of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform and quantitative statistical analysis of their trading day in their private thread for documenting/journaling with links to the archive full chat logs. This is how they're able to self-help their trading so that they become independent traders.

Further, he does not know the difference between a chat room versus a trade room. The difference between a chat room versus a trade room (signal calling trade alert room) is clearly explained via my message post "Difference between Chat Room vs Trade Room" @
Emmett Moore Jr. knew the purpose of the free chat room. Thus, he knew that members used the free chat room as a trade journal of their own trades to supplement (feedback) their broker statements & quantitative statistical analysis posted in their private threads...members were required to post their real-time trades in the free chat room whenever they logged into the chat room. Also, he knew about our member's public broker statements stored at the archived chat log storage forum. In contrast, a member's current broker statements are only stored only in private threads.

Worst, he's not able to post any images or videos of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform that correlates to the signal calls in the trade rooms of those he recommends/partner with while mimicking/copying the trades to verify his words that its highly replicable (his favorite bullshit words)...nothing to prove to his core readers that they too could have highly replicated the same trades.

Why no verification by Emmett Moore Jr. that the trade rooms he recommends are highly replicable ?

He knows what I know that signal calls are not highly replicable for others "after" they see those trades posted in a trade room, chat room, or screen sharing. What does highly replicable really mean considering he gives no caught +90%, +80%, +70%, +60% or just +51% of the signal calls ?

[/urlnew](click on the image to the left to view trades in daily Broker Trade Execution Platform & Free Chat Room)

Seriously, compare our image of real money timestamp trade fills in our broker trade execution platform versus the timestamp of the same trades in our free chat room in the image to the left. There's an obvious delay between the executed trade fills versus posting the exact same trades in the chat room even though we post as fast as possible via an auto-script. The same delay occurs in screen sharing too due to the viewer's cognitive decision-making process (Behaviour Finance). Simply, chat rooms & trade rooms & screen sharing for daytraders are not highly the will not get the same fills if you try to mimic/copy the trades.
Don't be fooled by charlatans like Emmett Moore Jr. that say the signal call services he's partner with & getting financially's highly replicable until he's able to show his timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform versus the timestamp trade fills of the signal caller (guru) that's being recommended by him...nothing less.

In fact, you can easily do the above verification by yourself or with a trading friend. Join our free chat room. Next, on your your trades in your broker trade execution platform and then post the same trades in our chat room. Now compare the difference in the timestamps (your broker platform versus your trades in the chat room) then imagine someone (another member) tries to copy your trades that are posted in our chat room.

A more realistic option with a real-time trades in the free chat room as fast as possible after confirmation in your broker trade execution platform and have your friend (he/she is on a simulator) in our free chat room...try to replicate (mimic/copy/piggyback/replicate) the same trades that he/she saw you posted. Next, you two post images of the timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform in a private thread that we set up for you at our free support forum.

Just as important, you two should do the same test too via screen sharing.

Compare the results...timestamp trade fills in your image (broker platform versus chat room versus screen sharing) to your friend's image of timestamp trade fills in his/her broker trade execution platform...trades posted by one of you and then mimic/copied by the other for a minimum of a few weeks in front of an audience (members of TheStrategyLab).

You'll then see with your own two eyes that it's impossible for anyone (daytrader) to get similar like fills while viewing your trades being posted in real-time in a chat room, trade room, or live screen sharing...not highly replicable. Now you understand why we do not offer a signal calling trade alerts room for traders to mimick/copy trades posted by our members.

Do not drink the kool-aid that Emmett Moore Jr. is trying to shove down your throats like an occult leader forcing his members to drink some magical secret potion. If you do, you must also believe that the Advance Potion Class at Hogwarts is real @

That's the nature of social media in today's internet environment...easy to create disinformation & misinformation to hide the real agenda as represented by Emmett Moore Jr's review blog. Yet, as you can see, we have our say too...always two sides of the coin especially with all of the privacy invasions in today's world by people wanting to use your private info for personal gain, financial gain, social gain, divisiveness or political reasons under the facade of an expert or professional.

Why do they do such?

That type of charlatan wants you to use the signal calling trade alerts rooms (live trading rooms), mentors or automated trading systems & custom indicators that he's recommending and being financially compensated...under the facade that he's on your side. In reality, he can only do such via bashing all obstacles that he believes may be a threat to his financial compensation...recommendations alone is just not enough for this charlatan/troll/fraud/felon.

Yet, if you're trying to use TheStrategyLab free chat room as a live trading room (someone telling you what to trade, when to buy & sell) will be banned for violation of our terms of use policy even though we have screen sharing (two way - members in screen sharing can see each other's screens including my screen) while trades are seen being executed in the broker trade execution platform and then the exact same trades seen being posted in the free chat room or shown later in the broker statement or shown later in images of the broker trade execution platform.

Once again, copying - mimicking - piggybacking trades or recording of trades at TheStrategyLab is not allowed. Those that have done such have all been banned.

Here's the must verify your learning WRB Analysis via posting DOKs with an image of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform to gain access to the free chat room. This has been our policy since 2010 and strictly enforced since 2014.

Next, to qualify for access to the two way live screen must post real-time trades in the free chat room, post DOKs, post images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform (simulator or real money) and post quantitative statistical analysis of your trading via WRB Analysis..then followed with messages to explain some of those trade fills via WRB Analysis to verify application of WRB Analysis.

Also, you're only allowed to post your images of timestamp trade fills and quantitative statistical analysis in your private thread...old policy allowed posting these files/images in the public threads until 2011...then the trolls showed up to harass those posting their broker statements...resulting in us creating the private section.

This verification process has another minimizes the entry into our services by drive-by curiosity seekers, spammers, trouble makers, trolls, and scam review websites especially those hiding behind VPNs & rented IP addresses. Now there's 0% trolling in the private section.

Yet, to have a proper trade journal... it's obvious you need to do more than just document & journal your trades and price action analysis in a timestamp environment. You need to document chart configurations at the time of trades, statistical analysis, and then document personal issues that impacted your trading day. This is what users of TheStrategyLab are doing @

Documentation of personal issues that impacts the trade results is very helpful to members with discipline problems or psychological concerns.

The worst trolls are secretly affiliated with scam binary options websites (blogs) or scam robotic trading systems, scam automated trading systems...promising you will get rich if you use their website and/or partner with the owner of the website or author...someone that does not trade with real money but they want you to believe you can trade profitably with their scam systems. In fact, they are not able to provide any verification that it works in real money trading conditions beyond the hypothetical scam performance stats that they are so eagerly promoting.

Emmett Moore Jr. LIES in the Telephone Conversation

I really do not care that he's trying to educate traders about scams out there. Yet, I do care if he's going to do such in a dishonest, double-dealing, misleading, and fraudulent manner. Yet, the one thing he's good at doing is reviewing those that are already being investigated by the FBI, SEC or the IRS.

Within the first 2 minutes of our telephone conversation...he lied three times to me although they may seem like no big deal to some...its a big deal to me because it was the start of a pattern by Emmett Moore Jr. in his review along with giving me a better understanding of this person that's a fraud in his interactions with others.

In retrospect, the untruthful statements by Emmett Moore Jr. in his review of TheStrategyLab was just a follow thru on what he started in the telephone conversation although I'm free from doubt that a few of the trolls I had banned for violation of my terms of use policy prior to the telephone conversation were in fact Emmett Moore Jr. or one of his disingenuous associates hiding behind a VPN or rented IP address.

1) The first outright lie by Emmett Moore to me on the telephone was when he stated he reached out to me via email. I told him that "I did not get your email or you did not send an email" because I would have responded and that the only emails not able to reach my inbox are by those already on my ban list for violation of my terms of use policy.

He then doubles down on his lie by repeating that he contacted me via email and said that I did not reply to his email. I then stated again...
You did not send me any emails which is why I did not reply. The only emails that will not reach my inbox are by those already on my ban list for violation of my terms of use policy.

His response to what I said...nothing but explanation.

Image Terms of Us Policy @

In hindsight, his silence reminded me of the trolls I banned from the free chat room that would log commentary about the markets, no real-time trades, no brokerage statements (forum), and no quantitative statistical analysis (forum) of their trades (simulator or real-money)...not even a Hello or Good Morning. Finally, they would not respond to my questions when I probed them to explain why they were using our free chat room.

Ironically, as soon as I removed their access to the free chat room prior to banning them...

Suddenly, they would reply to say they were just there to "observe" the chat discussions. I would then remind them that they had agreed, prior to entry into the chat room, to post their trades and/or price action analysis along with reminding them we do not allow drive-by curiosity seekers (guest visitors).
The banned trolls represent about 12% of the users of but they are the largest percentage of our critics of the website. Also, they are the largest percentage of users of TheStrategyLab that do not post DOKs, unwillingly to post images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform, not able to post real-time trades or price action analysis in the free chat room and not able to post quantitative statistical analysis of their use of WRB Analysis (simulator or real-money)...disqualifing them from access to many services like screen sharing and updates to WRB Analysis whenever market conditions change.
I remind these types of individuals that its their responsibility to verify that they learned & backtest & applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide if they are really only there to look for any type of verification (proof)...they have to do the work for their own due diligence prior to purchase or prior to criticizing especially if they truly believe that timestamp real-time trades, broker statements, images of timestamp trades fills in broker trade execution platform, screen sharing and DOKs proves nothing.

If they do not want to do the work...go bother someone else.

As for myself, the free chat room is very useful to my trading because active members talk about something that I did not see in the price action or talks about something I had forgotten about that will soon impact my own trade decisions. Thus, more eyes on the markets for me especially when members are trading different markets in comparison to myself when those different markets are key markets in my inter-market analysis, intra-market analysis and volatility analysis.

Key aspects of my trading are clearly underlined above: inter, intra and volatility.

If the free chat room was not useful to my trading...I would easily close the chat room just as I did when I closed the QCharts chat room and FutureSource Workstation chat room that I had started and moderated...they were no longer useful to my own trading...mainly because I switched to using other software and other various reasons involving the company that owned those charting software.

2) The second outright lie by Emmett Moore to me on the telephone was when he said he had tried reaching me via telephone. I replied to him that he has only called me twice...the first call from his phone number had hung up the telephone like some prank caller when I answered the telephone after a few rings. The second call from his telephone (same number as the first call)...I wasn't home but he did leave a message in which I returned the phone call within minutes after arriving home. The issue that bothered me was that I specifically asked Emmett Moore, why did he hang up on me when I answered his first phone call ? No answer from him...just silence as if he realized I too was going to ask him tough questions about how he approached his review of TheStrategyLab.

Also, if I was avoiding him as he specifically stated in his review...I would have never returned his telephone call after he hung up on me the first time he called and as stated above...the only emails I don't receive are by those trolls already banned from my website, forum, and chat room.

Thus, my suspicion of Emmett Moore was valid. Simply, I now know he must have been someone from the past that I had banned from my website for violation of my terms of use policy...forcing him to telephone me.

We have a saying in French and Lakota for people that are liars and manipulative...too nasty to repeat.

Therefore, I highly recommend to any website, chat room, trade room or not partner/affiliate yourself with this pathetic individual that's a convicted con man and a drug addict with associates that have criminal backgrounds. They hide behind VPNs and rented IP addresses to mask their real identities/location along with making illegal telephone recordings.

You know what happens when you sleep with the devil.

3) The third outright lie by Emmett Moore to me on the telephone was when he immediately begin asking questions about my referral program (partnerships) and stated some false facts about my referral program when he suggested all in my referral program are making hundreds of dollars per month. I had to repeat to him several times that such was not true and that only a few in my referral program made several hundred dollars per month prior to 2005...before I begin vetting out those that had spammed TheStrategyLab or made false promises or violated my terms of use policy. That's when Emmett Moore begin acting as if he was bothered by my answers...him becoming more distracted or agitated.


His lies occurred prior to asking verification of my trading for any trading day. Actually, his exact words were just one single day...any trading day. I specifically stated it's posted every trading day in my daily performance record and not in my monthly summaries. His reply with more sniffing sounds...You have a daily performance record ? I replied yes but I begin to wonder if this guy had a hidden agenda as that of a past troll that's banned because only a blind man could miss my daily performance record.

That's three lies (3 strikes and you're out in my book) all within the first 2 minutes of our telephone conversation...I was not impressed by this character nor was I going to cater to any demands he may make to me as a complete stranger especially his timing of the telephone call soon after I was trying to rid myself of a troll that had been making threats on my life and on the life of my family. A troll that I had extensive bans against that prevented the troll's ability to email me, join my forums including refusal of his payments when the troll tried to sneak into my fee-base services via VPNs or rented IP addresses.

This Emmett Moore is a slick character that has preyed upon people under the facade of "helping them"...something I learned during the telephone conversation on my own when I begin researching his name online during the telephone conversation. In fact, he openly admits he defrauded people +600 million dollars (not a typo error) and then went to prison for doing such while only giving back 350k in restitution...robbing his victims and their families of their life savings, hope, dreams except for the shirt on their backs via a Ponzi scheme.

Had he done such in today's legal system, he would have been given a life sentence in prison along with making global news after being convicted for securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud and income tax fraud.
Today, Emmett Moore has a public blog using his real name after pointing the FBI to Boston & New York criminal organizations. Seriously...he'll be in the witness protection program for the rest of his life after ratting out criminal organizations.
(click on image to view review of Emmett Moore

Guess what, his fraudulent ways are still continuing after being released from prison and he doesn't want you to know about it. For example, he had a prior business relationship with Dr. Dean Handley and that relationship ended due to the fact that Dr. Handley discover Mr. Moore company had a fake address, fake employees, fake phone number and fake credentials. Now do a comparison with info at Moore's warning webpage...he doesn't mention his failed business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley nor does he mention why Dr. Dean Handley decided to not do business with Emmett Moore while at another website called does mention the details of Emmett Moore's relationship with Dr. Handley via Moore's fake business called Moore Marketing Associates.

I now understand why Mr. Moore is so angry with Dr. Handley. It was Dr. Handley that stood up to the lies and fraud by Mr. Moore and called him out for it. Review of @ (I'm glad I made this image of the review by the website because the site is now suspended for not renewing - payment to the host of its website) Warning (Emmett Moore's review blog) @

I mention Dr. Dean Handley because you have read in my rebuttal that there's a connection between Emmett Moore and others as they interacted with my free chat room...all of this prior to the telephone conversation with Emmett Moore which was followed by the negative review by Emmett Moore.

Anyways, soon after our back n forth strange discussion and his often silence during the telephone conversation...he then asks for access to my trading accounts although I would learn from his review at his blog he doesn't mention any of the above especially the part about asking for access to screenshots of broker statements for any trading day.

Seriously, a complete stranger on the telephone while I'm reading about his criminal background, associations, and use of fake identities...asking for access to my trading accounts. This Emmett Moore has a serious superiority complex.

Image Problem #1

Emmett Moore Jr. primarily does reviews of signal calling trade rooms (trade alert services) and mentors that teach how to trade. Yet, he refers to signal call trade alert rooms as "Live Trading Rooms". In fact, I discussed this with Emmett Moore in our telephone conversation. Oddly, Moore then categorizes my website in those specific categories and then proceeds to review my website as such for the sole purpose to be an ass or an idiot...maybe both.

Seriously, why is it that Moore does not review the hundreds of "free chat rooms" out there ?

Most of which are managed by forums, data/chart providers and financial institutions or hosted by those that have lawyers suited for dealing with jerks like Moore. Heck, I use to moderate the largest QCharts chat room on IRC...with +200 members before I closed it after I didn't like how they manage their data & poor support in the chat room. It was a free chat room. Also, I use to moderate a FutureSource Workstation chat room on IRC...with +100 members before closing it after Interactive Data purchase the software and poor support in the chat room. It too was a free chat room...both with traders getting help, tips about their charting program, posting their real time trades & real time market analysis.

Most in those two chat rooms were using different trade methods while only a few were using WRB Analysis but all using the exact same charting software.

Here's an analogy although bad...if you don't understand the problem with the basis of Moore's review of TheStrategyLab. Pretend I have a Portuguese restaurant and a critic comes along and does a review and then writes that it's the worst Italian restaurant along with stating there are no Italian menus. Next, the critic openly states he's confused about the restaurant...therefore it must be a waste of time. The free chat room is a waste of his time because he knows it's not a signal calling chat room (live trading rooms) and he knows I do not offer a mentoring service. That only leaves his other courses and to review that he would need to learn the WRB Analysis free study guide. Ironically, a free study guide he does not mention in his review...a free study guide that anyone can download without needing to register.

That is one of the few truths about my website...we offer trade method courses although Emmett Moore list it under the category "trade course" as if its teaching how to trade when in fact we only teach a trading method and we do not teaches how to trade...the latter is the trader's responsibility or can only be accomplished via side by side in-person interaction.

In contrast, he decides to discuss a trading manual at his review along with writing about the trading manual with so much false information that it was strange, especially considering I don't remember him discussing on the telephone any of my services except for the free chat room, referral program and WRB Analysis free study guide. Actually, it was more like me discussing these topics while Emmett Moore was mainly silent.

In fact, the trading manual has not been in existence since 2005 and never sold to him nor to anyone at his review blog although it was discussed via email with a few between 2003 - 2012. It's a discontinued service in 2005...not valid in today's markets.

It was a customized trading manual involving the price action of their trading instrument via screenshots in the trading manual of the exact same charting program and same broker trade execution platform that they were using...reason why I had a few different brokers and access to different charting programs until I realized the project I was trying to design was too large to manage. Thus, I abandon the trading manual (its in French) in 2005.

Image Trading Manual @

Then I thought that Mr. Moore and those at his review blog are calling the WRB Analysis free study guide in error as the trading manual ? Yet, the WRB Analysis free study guide is free, registration not require to download payment needed.

Image WRB Analysis Free Study Guide @

The other possibility was that Mr. Moore and those replying at his review blog about the trading manual are using the wrong name in reference to the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters.

Image Advance WRB Analysis @

The only other services I offer are the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade strategies or the Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) free trade signal strategy but those two names can not be possibly confused with the reference Trading Manual.


Note: In the past...I have told some members only in a private conversation that some of the key concepts from the "trading manual" are being used in the free "Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy. Yet, the trading manual had nothing to do with fading breakouts.

This is one of the ways how I'm able to identify any trolls in the future after the private conversation because I keep copies of all private conversations (e.g. emails, forum messages, chat room private messages, Skype messages and private messages during screen sharing) due to the problem of trolling I've had at other discussion forums that had inadequate moderation when trolls showed up (e.g.


It's obvious Emmett Moore did not do proper research for his review or he's using misinformation from those that did not do proper research or maybe Mr. Moore was too busy trying to dig up dirt and couldn't find is the reason why he decided to make it personal via trying to use my voice to identify incorrectly that I was an African American from a telephone conversation although others at his review blog disagreed and thought I was Japanese or Haitian Canadian. Seriously ???

It's comical. If he and others wanted to attack my race and behave like least attack the correct culture (race) make it more personal considering he's obvious not interested in keeping it professional. All of the information can be found at the below link for him to at least get that right for his personal attacks under the facade of a review blog. In fact, his put downs of those different from his ethnicity, clever words, and quest to find a phony for the purpose to be entertaining to his readers (listeners) like some Howard Stern show has caused him to create LIES & MISINFORMATION about those when he could not find any dirt to dig up on them.

Image wrbtrader @ &

Yep, Mr. Moore did good research & review of M.A. Perry (wrbtrader) and the consistent misinformation by others at his review blog is starting to look like multiple user names by the same person and/or just a stupid racist that failed big time at "racial profiling" from a telephone conversation.

Hint: Lakȟótiyapi

Simply, more misinformation by Emmett Moore Jr. to go along with his lie that he signed up for my "affiliate program". Its called "referral program" and Emmett Moore never signed up for my referral program.

Image Referral Program @

Note: Do not trust Emmett Moore Jr. and do not give him access to your trading accounts if/when he asks because he has a history of stealing the life savings from his victims. :(

Continuing, I specifically asked him during the telephone conversation had he downloaded and learned the WRB Analysis Study Guide or backtested it with his trade signal strategies considering he specifically stated he was doing a review about TheStrategyLab ? He wouldn't reply with an answer to my question...more silence and then he strangely (suddenly) changed the topic. Yet, he was calmly speaking but having difficulty in maintaining a conversation...a few times I thought he had hung up because of the silence. Yet, it reminded me of someone that was on drugs.

Image About Us @

Image Frequently Asked Questions @

Image Terms of Use Policy @

Further, I became more suspicious (after the review) that Emmett Moore IP address trail correlates with a troll from IRC...someone from the recent past just prior to the review. This troll on IRC stated often that he was a quant, has associations (co-conspirators) with those in Panama, the Philippines, Pakistan, and India. The troll stated several times that he worked with Dr. Handley in the past, stated often he did not like Dr. Handley along with trying to convince chat room owners like me not to allow Dr. Handley into their chat room, the troll markets his binary options robotic trading systems & Emini ES trading systems via scam websites that looked like they sprouted up overnight and can quickly disappear if needed.

Also, this troll steals copyright-protected education content from traders & resells the content via several websites linked to the Philippines along with correlating to the IP address trail of a different troll that made threats on my life and threats on my family via user names like newbieman, moo_cali, mojo, mojo_dog, tfido, marketmarket, aviator, sam, Avatargruman, markg, Warren, Lesa and markg55778 after I refused to partner up with the troll.


Note: Mr. Moore owns a dog and use to post pictures online of himself with his dog. Mr. Moore is very evasive when others have served him papers for a court appearance when he's served...often denying he's Emmett Moore Jr. (e.g. Maverick Trading litigation)


All of the above user names either had the same IP address or they eventually discussed the above-mentioned topics (e.g. troll has a hatred of Dr. Handley, troll is a quant selling robotic trading systems, troll uses profanity lace IRC chat messages & emails to me, troll talks about affiliations to others in the Philippines, Vietnam, India, troll made threats towards me & family after I refused to partner up with them) along with being specific about other info I've never shared with anyone else...the latter helps confirm its the same troll.

Emmett Moore does state often at his blog that he has an assistant in the Philippines (name Reyna) that's fluent in English, has a temper when frustrated and she secretly enters chat rooms for the sole purpose to see if she can record posted trades & copy (mimic) the trades on a simulator on the behalf of Emmett Moore Jr...publicly shares this info sometimes at his review blog while ignoring privacy laws.

Note: It's possible the IRC troll is not a man and is actually a woman considering a few times the troll on IRC had dramatic emotional swings when talking about Dr. Handley, troll not liking the fact that I was not interested in converting my free chat room into a signal calling trade room, poor English when angry as if it really wasn't his (her) language and other things that sometimes made me think I was actually talking to a woman.
Is all of that just a coincidence...a remarkable concurrence between several trolls ?

Further, I have never been involved in a signal calling trade room and never will nor do I believe in online mentoring. Also, I'm well known for having a negative bias towards signal calling trading rooms because I'm very outspoken against them...including outspoken about the websites that Emmett Moore recommends and he gets paid by some of them to do the recommendations. Simply, its another dirty side of the trading business...getting paid (financial compensation) to recommend a website while trying to eliminate the competition. Thus, just like there's bad authors, bad mentors, bad signal calling live trading rooms, bad course sellers, bad forum owners, bad chart vendors and so on...don't fool yourself...there's also bad review sites contributing to the dirty side of the vendor business. falls into the category of the latter via my own personal experience with that review blog. They fall into the same category as that Warren and his buddy that I banned for marketing the binary options robotic trading system & cryptocurrency robotic trading system at my forum without my permission.

If you've never heard of, its a scam website that recommends robotic trading systems of those they're affiliated with while giving negative reviews about the competition. Yeah, you're now wondering...WTF ? TheStrategyLab does not offer services involving binary options, cryptocurrencies or robotic trading systems. In fact, my website got reviewed without speaking to me (no phone call, no emails, no Skype calls, no forum messages...nothing). Their fake review of TheStrategyLab only showed up after I banned two traders at my free forum for trying to market / advertise those scam robotic trading systems that's being recommended at

Yet, I did notice claiming not responsible for the products advertised at their website in negative reviews by others. That's total B.S. because its their website and they are in full control about whom they let advertise at their website and whom is not allowed...its a simple financial arrangement they have.
Two review blogs with a shared commonality of quants and automated trading systems. One review blog is from California while the other seems like a secret affiliate from a foreign country with a shared interest in automated trading systems & custom indicators...very similar to the trolls I've met/banned in the past on IRC that also hated Dr. of the review blogs bragging he's been in prison while the other bragged he personally knows people in the criminal world...very strange & suspicious similarities.

Image Common scenario by these review websites...if you don't let them market / advertise at your forum or chat room or don't give them access to the email addresses of your clients and then if you ban them for violation of your terms of use policy...they'll give you a negative review (retaliate for being banned) and they'll be entertaining to interest their readers in hopes they'll be naive to use the services of those being recommended. :)

Strangely, the character behind is an ex-quant or failed quant with affiliations in Panama, the Philippines, and Pakistan. Oddly, just like Emmett Moore is an ex-quant with strange affiliations in countries often taken advantage of cheap labor (overseas outsourcing)...both have reviewed TheStrategyLab via services we do not offer.

Image Why are failed quants taking advantage of cheap labor in foreign countries (overseas outsourcing) and involving themselves in the dirty side of the review business ??? (something to contemplate)

1) They (the frontman from the U.S.) outsource their work to foreigners just in case there's litigation if the work is illegal or criminal in U.S. or Canadian courts.

2) Overseas outsourcing is cheap labor...minimizes the cost of labor that doesn't need to answer any litigation unless laws are broken in their own countries. The frontman in the U.S. knows any investigation of the co-conspirators will be difficult because they live outside of U.S. law & Canadian law.

3) The countries that these review sites outsource to are also the same countries that have the largest labor for hire to hack, steal, identity theft, and other online criminal activities. Would you trust someone on the telephone that you don't them after they ask you for access to your trading accounts ???

Note: The financial community is one of the top five industries for cyber attacks.

Cyber security common sense - Never give out personal information on the phone, email, Skype, forum message post or any type on social media in online connection to someone you do not know nor to someone with a criminal background (history) especially to those that publicly announce they use VPNs or rented IP addresses.

Real-time Cyber Attack maps that include attacks by individuals that have gained access to your private information:

Kaspersky @


FireEye @


2005: TheStrategyLab forum was hosted on ezboard. Our forum was one of the top 50 forum communities out of thousands of forums on ezboard. Our forum and many other forums were hacked and completely wiped out (deleted).

2015 - 2017: TheStrategyLab received 39 emails from websites wanting to partner, interview or requesting to answer their survey. A few even contacted me via private message at other forums. 21 of the emails contain viruses, malware, spyware, worm signatures and other things designed to target those in the financial community. All 21 of the malicious emails were sent by someone from overseas hiding behind a fake identity, rented IP address, popup website that's been around only for a few years...many owned by individuals with criminal backgrounds.

Today, TheStrategyLab manages its own forums. Our data is backup 24/7 by us at another secure location if the worst happens again. We're no longer dependent upon someone else doing the backup of our forum and website and our member's data (DOKs, trade verification, quantitative statistical analysis) is more secured via private threads and improved moderating to keep out the trouble makers, haters, trolls & hackers.


As stated...I do have a free chat room that I moderate to keep the peace between members and to keep out spammers & trolls although it does give me a bad reputation. Also, I have never charged a fee for access to the free chat room. I've never accepted financial compensation to allow someone to market / advertise to the members of the free chat room.

The free chat room is just a chat room (not a trade room) started by users of WRB Analysis. They then asked me to moderate the chat room because they were aware of my prior experience as a moderator of two chat rooms (e.g. Qcharts, Futuresource Workstation) and they needed help in managing several trolls & spammers that started causing problems for other users in the chat room. In addition, there were several active users in the chat room that consistently posted real time trades and they didn't want to see them leave due to the unprofessional behavior of others that consistently caused problems. Thus, they felt that I was the one that should moderate the chat room because I had prior experience as a moderator that keeps the peace between chat room members.

I've now designed custom IRC scripts to manage the room on the many trading days per month when I'm not there nor trading. Simply, there's no gurus, and never has there been anyone in the chat room telling others when to buy and when to sell...its not a signal calling trading room.

Lets quickly talk about Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools categorizing TheStrategyLab as a "trading mentor". As stated above, I do not offer a mentor (coaching) service and I have never offered such a service. This fact was discussed in detail with Emmett Moore Jr. in our telephone conversation after he used the word mentoring in the conversation. I quickly corrected him via specially telling him I do not offer a mentoring service...teaching a trader how to trade.

In addition, I joked about mentoring with Mr. Moore via stating if I were to offer such a service...nobody would be able to afford it. Yet, I did tell Mr. Moore that I do in fact often get requests to offer such a program and I may start a mentoring service in a few years with the business model discussed @ (this business model threatens the business model of those mentors that Moore has been recommending especially via the fact that it will initially be free)

Therefore, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools was aware of my business model / distaste about the mentoring business and he's aware that I currently do not have a mentoring service. Strangely, he doesn't mention such in his review while categorizing my website in the "trading mentors" as if he's trying to eliminate the competition from those he recommends as a blogger with a Napoleon Complex.

As mentioned above, the conversation went sour fast when I mention the name Dr. Dean Handley to him and the name of someone else (Aviator, mojo_cali) that's a problematic troll for several years prior to Emmett Moore's review of TheStrategyLab.

I think you understand now major problems with Moore's review.

As stated above, I did mention to him that users of WRB Analysis are posting verification of their trading. Yet, he doesn't mention such in his review...showing he's ignoring it.

Image Archive Chat Logs by users of WRB Analysis @

Image Brokerage Statements by users of WRB Analysis @

The above link is the public thread that was closed in 2011 due to hacking concerns, identity theft and other security issues. After 2011, all broker profit/loss statements (daily, weekly, monthly), quantitative statistical analysis by a professional trade journal software and custom trade signal strategies used by the member with WRB Analysis are only posted in their private threads for security & privacy concerns.

Also, we do screen sharing during trading sessions with qualified members. Recordings of the screen sharing are not allowed unless every member in the screen sharing agrees to the recordings although we make screenshots with the permission of the members for marketing purposes. Screen sharing at TheStrategyLab is always a two way street between qualified members.

This is a key issue because it (verification) takes us to problem #2.

Image Problem #2

Emmett Moore intentionally lied and stated that TheStrategyLab is unwilling and unable to provide even the smallest morsel of evidence. Seriously, if he had actually done a proper review, he would have at least used the free chat room or researched the archives forum at the above links that store the chat room logs of +10 years to see users of WRB Analysis actively posting their trades in real-time and broker profit/loss statements (e.g. daily, weekly or monthly) see how they (the users) are performing which is what many traders want to see...the performance of the clients.

He would have discovered many images containing my charts setup, broker trade execution platform with recent trades in the platform along with an image of the free chat room just like the below image...all generated while in screen sharing with many members of the free chat room.

(click on image to view Daily Broker Profit/Loss statement)

Archive chat log for image to the left @

What did Emmett Moore do when I randomly selected the screenshot image from a day of screen sharing with members of TheStrategyLab and then gave him the above link ?

He ignored the link (behaving as if he's not interested) after stating on the telephone to give him verification for "one day...any trading day" along with ignoring that I document all of my trading days similar like as such and then he suddenly stated he wants access to my trading accounts (with my permission). Yet, after hearing his requests, I decided to stall the telephone conversation with him so that I could do some quick research online about this character...I discover in his own blog that he admits to partnering with others that have only given him equity curves or google docs spreadsheets or monthly broker statements that looked like they have been typed in a word processor or Mr. Moore (sometimes his assistants) were able to duplicate the posted trades on a simulator or the verification presented by Mr. Moore looked like they've been typed on someone's computer or their word that they're traders that trade their signal calls.

Worst yet, he only took their words as truth when they said they were profitable when reviewed without any verification. Take a careful look at the image to the left...those words are words from Emmett Moore himself. He said its was a good enough answer for me. Oddly, he admits he's a partner with the person...even speaking highly about the person being well spoken, nice to chat with and other compliments even though he has never had any in person meetings, never watched them trade in person, and doesn't even know where they live. He doesn't even mention their ethnicity while mentioning the ethnicity of those that stood up to him...those that didn't take his crap.

Simply, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools is hoping that admitting to being a partner with the will excuse him for not having any verification from the trader that he/she trades the signal calls in their signal calling service and that you'll trust Emmett Moore when he tells you he believes the person he reviewed is telling the truth...he/she trades.

Image Think carefully...wouldn't this be a situation where Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools should be saying unwilling and unable to provide even the smallest morsel of evidence ???

In comparison, others have said almost the exact same thing...simulator trades because real money trading is too stressful, and they don't have a live DOM...Emmett Moore Jr. ridicules them for only doing simulator trades, makes images of them with annotations like "not real trading", called them fakes even after they stated its simulator or hypothetical trading or such statement is in their disclaimer statement...continue his attacks via saying they probably are not successful, not to be trusted and so on.

Image Why the hypocrisy ??? Its simple...those he takes just their words as truth...he's in a partnership with them or trying to setup a partnership with them. In contrast, others he attacks...he's not in a partnership with them.

Think seriously about this carefully.

After I learned about Mr. Moore's criminal background (SEC felon), use of multiple aliases, inputting pings/codes in emails, illegal recordings of telephone conversations, drug addiction and troll behaviour...I had only one choice when he asked for access to my trading accounts. I said NO.

In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools admitted he resides in California. Recordings of telephone conversation without consent is illegal. It's a violation of California privacy laws with the strongest wiretapping laws via the California Law Penal Code 632 that has a fine of $2,500 and/or imprisonment of up to one year per violation ?
I don't negotiate with people like Mr. Moore that have been convicted of fraud for stealing millions from the accounts of his victims. I don't cater to his demands beyond what's already posted verification info at my website/forum.

You may be thinking...if I randomly selected the above image from the archives of my performance shows a profit. How about verification of a losing trading day considering there's rumors by trolls that I never have a losing trading day ?

(click on image to view Daily Broker Profit/Loss statement)

Archive chat log for image to the left @

Although the above link is a big losing day..the losses did not violate my "risk management" rules and the trading days soon afterwards...the profits made back the losses from that big losing trading day. Yeah, just in case you're thinking about the importance of risk is an important variable in my trading success although I don't educate other traders about risk management. Its the responsibility of the brokers to educate their clients about risk management.

Regardless, Emmett Moore Jr. is the only one (the first one) not able to find verification of my trading via images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform, broker statements by clients & free users of WRB Analysis and real time trades by users of WRB Analysis.

That's when I had one of those What The Fuck moments in the telephone conversation with Mr. Moore when he stated he wants to see "just one statement for any trading day" if he's blind, deaf and dumb. Seriously, every image in this rebuttal message post is publicly posted elsewhere here at TheStrategyLab in my daily performance record prior to the telephone conversation with Mr. Moore and I still maintain my trade journal as such today with more details that I believe are important to my self-helping my own trading. Ironically, a few in his review stated the brokerage statements are fake...not real while they refuse to acknowledge the broker statements & real-time trades by users of WRB Analysis.

Ironically, not one single person (there's 4 of them) that's complaining at Mr. Moore's blog has produced a brokerage statement with verification of understanding (DOKs) and verification of application (timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform) that they are a user of WRB Analysis and the trades they're complaining about do in fact correlate with WRB Analysis...not one.

Image Archived Chat Logs of Real-Time Trades and Market Analysis by Users of TheStrategyLab @

Mr. Moore does not mention our archive storage forum that contains chat logs of real-time trades, real-time WRB Analysis, and broker statements by users of WRB Analysis. Instead, he's fixated on our monthly summaries instead of the daily images of trades in our broker trade execution platform...very odd behavior by someone that's doing a review.

Image Users (clients) of WRB Analysis Broker PnL Statements and full Statements (2011 - 2008) @

Note: Current clients broker statements & quantitative statistical analysis of their trading are now only posted in their private threads for security & privacy reasons. Clients do not give permission for the info the be release.

Image TheStrategyLab Broker Profit/Loss Statements @ (broker PnL statements since September 26th 2006)

Seriously, Mr. Moore stated there's no possible way to track the trading of M.A. Perry.

What he's really trying to say is that TheStrategyLab does not allow anyone to copy (mimic) our trades because the free chat room is not a signal calling trade room. Also, its very difficult for anyone to use our chat room via VPNs or rented IP addresses for the sole purpose to monitor someone's trades because anyone that wants entry into the free chat room to verify their understanding of the rules & application of WRB Analysis via DOKs & timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform that correlates to key concepts of WRB Analysis prior to access into the free chat room that's only for users of WRB Analysis.

Further, we remove anyone that logs in to lurk while not posting broker statements in their private threads after they finish their day of trading. This is why its difficult for Emmett Moore Jr. to fake his way into our free chat room for the sole purpose to track our trades when he can track our trades via reading the archive chat logs.

In addition, our live screen sharing with members is only for those that post real-time trades in the chat room, post images of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform along with explaining how some of the specific trades correlates with WRB Analysis...consistently for a few months...qualifying for access to the two way screen sharing.

Simply, if he wants to track someone's trades under the facade he wants verification of trading under the facade of a review...he must provide proof he's using WRB Analysis and verification of such via his own trades to properly track our trades while knowing that if we suspect he's there to mimic/copy our trades...we will ban him without warning.

By the way, he should stop bragging at his blog about using fake identities, telephone recordings, and screen recordings...the latter two are illegal and criminal when doing such without consent...a violation of privacy laws along with doing such via fake identities, VPN's, rented IP addresses in an effort to hide that fact that he could be subjected to being arrested again, sent to prison again for parole violations or sued by a lawyer for civil liabilities.

Thus, don't be fooled by Emmett Moore Jr. when he thinks he needs to use fake profiles, VPNs, rented IP addresses, illegal recordings, and cronies to do his reviews. He does those things to keep his identity a secret because he doesn't want to be arrested again, fined again, or both which is one of the reasons why he uses individuals from other countries to do many of the illegal activities for him.
He mentions sometimes he has court cases involving those he reviews. Most likely he's in court due to his violation of wiretapping & privacy laws via the illegal telephone recordings or other illegal recordings considering everything else he does is probably protected by free speech laws just as I am protected in my rebuttal to his review of TheStrategyLab.
He should disclose his criminal background prior to any telephone conversation without me having to find the info on my own at his review blog during the conversation. Thus, Emmett Moore ruined his chances of gathering any further information in those first few minutes of our telephone conversation when he begin lying to me on the telephone...lies & misinformation that greatly reduces his credibility to his readers along with creating doubt about his reviews, especially with those he recommends/partners with.
Reality, a legit website will not partner with nor affiliate with someone like Emmett Moore Jr. (ex con / drug addict / violates wiretapping laws / hides behind VPNs & rented IP addresses & secret identities unless they are desperate for clients.

Regardless, its obvious that Mr. Moore has some kind'uv a hidden agenda considering he openly stated in his review that TheStrategyLab is unwilling and unable to provide even the smallest morsel of evidence when he intentionally posted the profit numbers from my monthly summaries at his review blog while intentionally not mentioning my daily broker profit/loss statements in my daily performance record. He's a smart guy...right ? He didn't was intentional to not mention the posted daily brokerage statements while others pretend they want to see monthly broker statements along with not believing my daily broker PnL statements.

Seriously, if you're not going to acknowledge my daily broker PnL statements, you're not going to acknowledge the images of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platform, you're not going to acknowledge clients daily/weekly/monthly broker statements and you're not going to acknowledge real-time trades in the free chat room of TheStrategyLab...its logical to assume you have another agenda that's personal.

(click on the below image to view Daily Broker Profit Loss Fill statement)


Archive chat log for image to the left @

Others review my trades as they occur in real-time, reviewing the specific details of each trade (timestamps, entry/exit price, number of contracts) in the archive chat logs and with a sincere interest to calculate their own statistical analysis via whatever metrics that interest them...they are able to track my trades (many have) to contrast Emmett Moore Jr's statement that he's unable to find a way to track my trades most likely due to him getting banned for trying to use our free chat room to copy/mimic the posted other reason.

Image TheStrategyLab does not mentor (teach how to trade) and the only education is at the forum.

Like I said before, this Emmett Moore character is a funny guy and charlatan hiding behind the mask of a review blogger while degrading others online like some amateur cyberbully hiding out in his girlfriend's home. The lies about a "trading manual", paid for access to the free chat room, stating his speech is that of an unsophisticated black man (African) while contrast to the info I posted about my personal background for a public record since 2002...
  • Then the fake statements by the italiansharp, RobB and Tradeau trolls was what expose the fraud by this review blogger. Really, a poster using the name Tradeau...a similar like name as the prime minister of Canada...the country I primarily reside in...these trolls are comical, mocking but imaginative.
Here are additional truths that he doesn't want you to know. As stated above, I do not offer a mentor (coaching) service and I have never offered such a service. This fact was discussed in detail with Emmett Moore Jr. in our telephone conversation. In fact, as stated to Emmett Moore Jr., I often get requests to offer a mentor program and I have turned down every single request to mentor. Yet, I may start a mentoring service in a few years with the business model discussed @ only asked the following questions on the telephone after he asked about my partnerships...

1) Do traders make hundreds of dollars per month in your affiliation program ?

Answer - Only a few hundred until 2005.

2) Do you have just one redacted statement for any trading day...give me something to look at even if its old ?

Answer - Lots of statements posted in the daily performance record and posted on some key pages at the website/forum and posted by users of WRB Analysis. Its your choice to read them.

3) Who are your brokers ?

Answer - I have several brokers for investing and trading...posted at the forum in the message post "Price Action Trading Daily Routine" at the top of every daily performance record.

4) Can you give me permission to access your trading accounts ?

Answer - No because I just discovered while we're talking that you went to prison once for stealing millions from your victims. Its very strange you didn't disclose that info to me in this telephone conversation.

The above question #4 (asking for access to my trading accounts). He only asked for access to my trading accounts with my permission (creepy way for him to say it) after I started asking him questions about Dr. Dean Handley and after I discover his criminal background during the telephone conversation that he did not reveal to me on his own. I begin to think Emmett Moore Jr. had ulterior motives...violating his probation after being released from prison...trying to access financial accounts. Seriously, what parole board would release a person like Emmett Moore Jr. from prison without conditions on his release such as he's not allowed access to the financial accounts of others.

To answer again the most important question from the above by Emmett Moore Jr. (ex con / hacker / drug addict)

Image Easy answer...he will never be given access to my trading accounts nor access to my private thread nor access to the private threads of other users of WRB Analysis. No access accept to the information that's already publicly posted at my website/forum/chat room.

You're just a charlatan selling recommendations, ex con, drug addict and a liar that hides behind a review blog...go bother somebody else.

In fact, if you're able to pay attention, you should notice that I do not show my charts on my other screens from a multiple monitor setup to prevent the trolls and problematic guest visitors like you from benefiting from the info...its only revealed in my private thread.

Really, a stranger on the telephone that calls me and in the very first conversation you ask me for access to my "trade accounts" as if I'm going to give you the password to my trading accounts and you assumed in error that I would ignore your similar like behaviour to a very problematic troll from the recent past that had issues with Dr. Dean Handley, lies about his automated trading systems & custom indicators, brags about affiliations with that are criminals and that made threats to cause physical harm to me and to my family members while wishing one particular family member with cancer to die from a horrible death...

You seriously expected me to give you access to my trading accounts ?

Your behavior is like a creepy old man that parks his car near an elementary school or park...stranger danger @
I do not negotiate with a convicted felon, fraud, addict, or anyone that brags about impersonations brags about using fake IP addresses, brags that he uses VPNs & rented IP addresses while using chat rooms and such...I just don't give these types of people a free pass on my behalf. As soon as I discover their identity, I ban them and then post publicly about them as a warning to others that may think about doing the same.

Image Problem #3

(click on image to view our most Problematic Troll)

I've identified several trolls of my website that are regular posters over at Mr. Moore's blog and its possible that Mr. Moore is one of the trolls. Yet, I'll discuss just a few of them starting with the most problematic troll of TheStrategyLab that makes you wonder about any possible connections with Emmett Moore (a declared quant).

I first met this particular troll back in 2010 on IRC via the user name moo_cali and he was using a rented IP address out of California. He's very well versed in IRC usage and even bragged about how he can send private messages to anyone on IRC without needing to be actually on IRC. He stated he's a quant and damn good at it. He often bragged about his profits and talked about how he would start each month with his 50k account and double or triple it every month...flush the profits out at the end of the month and then start again with 50k. I would just ignore his chest-beating messages because he didn't really go any further than that until around 2012 when he started attacking several users of WRB Analysis in the free chat room and at the free TSL support forum that were posting their brokerage statements. Yet, the conversations would become heated because he always refuse to post his brokerage statements and even joked about how it could be used against him.

Something else, this troll was heavy into Trade Navigator & Ninja Trader and would often ridicule my broker profit/loss statements because they contain images of charts from QCharts and FutureSource and Xtrader that he felt were inferior. Also, he didn't like IRC but oddly he spent a lot of time on it asking me why I used it...forgetting its easily automated to keep the peace between members from different countries around the world, many different mobile & desktop applications, its automated to download the daily chat logs and then automated to upload the daily chat logs to the website. Further, it has low CPU demands on a person computer and its the only program used in almost "every language" around the world.
The one thing I notice about this troll was his constant quest to ask personal questions about your life as if he's "gathering information" (taking notes). It was something about how he asked his questions that made the hair stick up on the back of my was sneaky and if he's a stalker or a cyber bully...hiding behind fake profiles, VPNs, rented IP addresses, impersonations, foreign affiliations and secret partnerships. He became more aggressive, angry and agitated when Dr. Dean Handley showed up in my free chat room.
It was about this time period that several of the users of WRB Analysis complained that there have been hack attempts on their "trading accounts". In addition, Mr. Troll asked me if I wanted to "partner" with him in which he would refer traders to me for a fee. I declined the offer and told him he can use my referral program. He laughed at that suggestion because I had changed the referral program in 2010 in such a way that I only had a few referrals per year...changed in such a way to prevent users from spamming my website, requiring users to have a PayPal account, requiring users to learn/apply WRB Analysis so that they can give a more honest opinion about something they're going to be recommending.

I continue saying NO to this guy until one day in 2012 he sends me a direct link to his automated trading system at and stated if I wanted to make some money I should email that link to my entire database of users of WRB Analysis. I replied...not interested. That's when Mr. Troll decides to spam my free chat room with his link and trading info about him being a "top quant" and telling my chat members that they can lease his Emini ES system and some stock system for a few hundred dollars per month or just subscribe to it for a smaller fee. He did such when I went on vacation and wasn't able to moderate the chat room. Upon returning from vacation...I banned him without any warnings. He would return again and again (multiple times) via a different IP address out of California, Texas or Florida via a different user name. Always well-spoken at first, intelligent conversationalist that laughs at me about my first trade ever (penny stock loss of 12k), the troll brags about visiting multiple different signal calling trade alert rooms and that it was his source of selling his services to the clients of other vendors without the knowledge of the vendor.

As mentioned earlier in this message post...this troll markets his binary options robotic trading systems & Emini ES trading systems via scam websites that looked like they sprouted up overnight and can quickly disappear if needed, steals copyright-protected education content by traders & resells the content via several websites linked to the Philippines along with correlating to the IP address trail of a different troll that made threats on my life and threats on my family via user names like newbieman, moo_cali, mojo, mojo_dog, tfido, marketmarket, aviator, sam, Avatargruman, markg, Warren, Lesa and markg55778 after I refused to partner up with the troll.

Yet, as soon as I discover who he was...I would ban him again and he would quickly return via a new IP address courtesy of his use of a VPN & rented IP addresses. It was like the Whac-A-Mole game...whack it and another pops up somewhere else. Therefore, he would troll me all over the internet...make threats on me and my family, send me profanity lace emails, send me profanity lace private messages on IRC, send me profanity lace messages on Skype and warn me he knew people with a criminal background. He even made threats he could ruin my website.
He constantly talked negatively about other vendors along with often using words like pathetic, turd, cocksucker fraud, outlandish and made negative references to their ethnicity...often trying to guess at their possible ethnicity. Brags about his use of multiple different aliases to gain access to any signal calling trading room and seems to know info about prior businesses by these vendors. Oddly, he saw absolutely nothing was wrong with him not revealing he too is a vendor that was trying to market his quant trading systems. I came to the conclusion this Mr. Troll is simply a hypocrite and possibly a racist.
Once again, he would change his IP address, change his user name to regain entry into my free chat room or IRC. Then one day Dr. Dean Handley shows up in my free chat room about the same time Mr. Troll was in there again in my free chat room via another user name...hiding his identity. Mr. Troll then sends me several private messages warning me not to let Dr. Dean Handley to continue using my free chat room. In fact, he made the recommendation that I should immediately ban Dr. Dean Handley because he's going to do a negative review about TheStrategyLab.

I asked why...Mr. Troll states he had a prior relationship with Dr. Handley and he knows enough about him not to work with him again. I replied...I don't partner with anyone and that Dr. Handley is welcome to stay in the free chat room until he violates my "terms of use policy". I then asked Mr. Troll to tell me one specific reason why I should ban Dr. Handley ? Mr. Troll does not reply and disappeared. Yet, within one week...I get 5 new members and one of them is a IP address (cell phone) out of California...never posting any verification of his trading.

The next day, that new member with the southern California IP address reveals himself as Mr. Troll via sending private messages to several users of the chat room (bad mouthing Dr. Handley) and promoting his trading systems. The troll then sends me another profanity lace email about how confusing my website is and complains about not understand its purpose with so much free information. Further, he doesn't understand why I don't want to make a lot of money from my website via him and I working together by converting my chat room into a fee-base signal calling chat room and that he's offended that I have no interest in his Emini ES trading system over at

I then told him that he must either be schizophrenic or on drugs because he's starting to seem crazy or someone with severe mental illness...then I banned him again when he again made threats.

For the record, mental illness is not something to joke about and I do regret making reference to the troll that he was mentally ill.

Response by the troll ?

He responds via stating that he's seeing a professional about his problems with alcohol, drugs and depression !!!
Mr. Troll has used the following user names at my forum or free chat room: newbieman, moo_cali, mojo, mojo_dog, tfido, marketmarket, aviator, sam, silo, Avatargruman, markg and markg55778...all using the same type of profanity lace fake poor grammar replies when I would ask if he's the same quant with a trading system at Striker website. He's very good (expert like) at using multiple different user names to gain access to signal calling trading rooms that includes most likely using an IP Anonymizer software or using VPNs. All of them with either a southern California IP address or a southern Florida IP address.

Strange thing is that when those user names registered at the website...all of them would later be banned for trying to market that Emini ES trading system over at website.

Once again, here's a small sampling (there are much worst replies from Mr. Troll) of a reply from this mentally ill troll after he has been banned @

Oddly, his threats on me and my family stopped late 2015...maybe after closed his accounts, ISP closed his accounts, Gmail closed many of his accounts after I sent them copies of his emails with IP addresses used that were in violation of those social media terms of use policy.

In reaction, this Mr. Troll starts to make threats towards my website...stating I should have taken his partnership offer and now he will concentrate on trying to ruin TheStrategyLab.

I have more information and documentation about this troll...only shared with my lawyer. In fact, my lawyer states that my public performance record with broker PnL statements is probably the sole reason why this particular troll is trying to harass me into a partnership via his mafia like tactics for so many years.

I'll now let you do the math.

Image Problem #4 (a few other little problems with the review)

1) I have never claimed that WRB Analysis contains "trade secrets" or "it works in all markets" to Emmett Moore Jr. nor to anyone else as Emmett Moore Jr. specifically lied and stated I made such a claim in his written review. In contrast, applicable trading instruments for my WRB Analysis and trade strategies are clearly discussed in detail @

2) Most of my services are free. The most important service & foundation of TheStrategyLab's trade method is an analysis called the WRB Analysis free study guide @ (Emmett Moore Jr. does not mention this fact in his review...the free study guide is for your due diligence about TheStrategyLab and most users of WRB Analysis are only using the free study guide)

WRB Analysis is not a trade signal strategy. It's an analysis of the price action to help traders identify trend continuations, swing points and WRB Zones (s/r areas) prior to the appearance of the trade signal strategies that the trader is using.

Note: Most users of WRB Analysis are using their own trade signal strategies.

3) I do have two fee-base services called Advance Tutorial Chapters involving WRB Zones working with your trade signal strategies. That's not a're using your own trade signal strategies with my WRB Zones because WRB Analysis is not a trade signal. It's an analysis to help you understand the price action that you're trading prior to the appearance of your own trade signal strategies. The other service involved my own personal trade signal strategies called Volatility Trading Report (VTR). Mr. Moore purposely refers to these services as the "manual". These are not manuals and I'm clueless to why he calls them manuals when the only thing I have ever called a manual has not been offered since 2005 as discussed @

Image Problem #5

The other troll is RobB...someone that seems to live at Emmett Moore's website. RobB is a fee-base client of TheStrategyLab via a different user name. Him and I primarily communicated via Skype because he told me he didn't like IRC. He purchase one of my lower level services and he did not purchase access to the primary trade strategies I was using. Initially, he had high praise for what he purchased along with stating the WRB Zones are very helpful to his own trade signal strategies although he stated he really didn't understand the connection. He used traditional chart patterns as his trade signal with WRB Analysis. He also stated he was using other vendors. In fact, I did notice that the name of vendors he mentioned...they tend to be offering services that I do not offer involving mentoring services or signal calling services.

Interesting fact, I asked RobB for verification of purchase that he was using the services of mentors, signal calling (live trading rooms) trade alert services, or anything. He would not verified the purchase of another vendor service. I even posted a copy of the PayPal receipt of his purchase of the Advance Tutorial Chapters just to show him how easy it is to verify purchase.

He still couldn't or wouldn't show me a verified purchase of someone's else service, especially with the fact that some of the things he discussed with me about trade methods by others were simple knowledge posted at hundreds of free websites about trading. In fact, many legitimate review websites now put a label next to the name of any replies (reviews) by anyone that has a verified purchase.

That prompts me to inform RobB that I do not offer mentoring and I do not offer a signal calling trading service. He stated he already knew that and then he stated he has a good mentor. That reply by him raised some red flags about RobB...why would he be using TheStrategyLab if he has a good mentor ???

1) He knew I didn't offer to mentor to him...resulting in him using the mentor service from someone else.

2) He knew I didn't offer a signal calling trade alert service. Oddly, he complained often in the chat room that he could not get the same trade fills after I posted my trades even though he knew I only post my trades in the chat room after confirmation in my broker trade execution platform.

Just as strange, he would get warnings from other members to not to try to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room because they too became very suspicious of his purpose in the free chat room after seeing him complain he couldn't get the same fills.

Simply, he was trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room instead of finding another vendor that actually offered a signal calling trade alert room. Then again, if he truly was using a signal calling trade alert service as he stated...why in the hell would he be using my free chat room or using my WRB Analysis ?

His story doesn't add up and it implies he had an alternative motive as if he is a minion of Emmett Moore Jr. of

3) He thought in error that WRB Analysis in combo with a free chat room would compensate for anything his mentor didn't offer.

Regardless, the real issue about RobB was that he never paid for access to my primary trade signal strategies and he expected me to stop using them and only use the lower level services instead of him performing the required backtesting and quantitative statistical analysis as required.

I do remember RobB asking me why I did not take a trade when he was trading Light Crude Oil CL futures while I was trading S&P 500 Emini ES futures or Russell 2000 TF futures. Sometimes I replied that I don't trade the CL futures when he trades it, sometimes I replied I'm not there due to personal reasons (e.g. out at lunch, out exercising, busy helping another client merge WRB Analysis with their trade signal strategy).

Once again, I reminded him that this is not a signal calling trade alert room. He then suddenly started trading what I traded without backtesting, without simulating, and without learning & showing he understands the price action...strangest trading behavior I ever saw a trader do @ TheStrategyLab.

Later (within a few weeks), he starts using a different trade method...I believe he stated it had something to do with wedge/flag pattern breakouts. I asked him what happen to his mentor considering it now looks like he's jumping from trade method to a different trade method ? Instead of giving a simple answer...he became argumentative especially when we discussed price patterns by other vendors that I felt were available for free online. Our interaction became negative soon afterward when I pointed out to him that he was identifying those types of patterns incorrectly.

To my surprise, he then did some research and agreed but only after I posted links to various well-knowledge chart pattern websites (free sites) that specifically explained the rules of those patterns including many chart examples. I then sarcastically stated to him that he has a good mentor that is teaching RobB to identify incorrectly wedge/flag pattern breakouts. He then stated he was "hoping" to be mentored by me even though he did not pay for such and even though he knew I do not offer a mentoring service.

Again, I reminded him that I do not mentor, never have mentor anyone, I do not offer a mentoring service. I also told him that I do not believe mentoring can be successful online and that it should only be done in person with mentor/student sitting side by side while the mentor traded from his/her trading account in front of the student eyes with real money.

Ok, I get it. He paid for something with the hopes of getting something else for free. No harm in trying...right ? Unfortunately, it resulted in him making demands that I should explain the trade signal strategies behind my real-time trades and posted broker PnL statements. I reminded him that he didn't pay for such a service and he often stated he was just "confused" about my trades. I once again explained to him the reason why he's confused is because he didn't pay for access to that information...often in arguments with RobB about such during the middle of my trades. He truly didn't care about the distractions he was causing for others while they were trading in which many members wanted him to be banned.
Another key issue that seem to anger & confuse RobB the most was the fact that TheStrategyLab is primarily a research/development site of trade strategies and that I used new strategies without sharing the information with him even though he didn't pay for access to new strategies. RobB couldn't understand that I'm frequently researching new rules & new strategies during live trading (hence the name Lab in TheStrategyLab) and not doing such via hindsight charts along with trading them via small position size because they were high risk trades. Further, he didn't like it when I would go to lunch or do my exercise routine during the trading day whenever the price action stressed me or take my schedule breaks (time away from the markets).

Examples of when I was not trading when RobB was trading...I rarely trade prior to 0830am est because I'm taking my kids to school while RobB did trade. Another example, I rarely trade the lunch period...statistically I perform poorly in the mid-day trading session. Thus, I would ignore trade signals that appeared during the lunch hours while RobB would still be trading those same trade signals that I ignore.

Note: I don't share new strategies with anyone for one year while I apply the new rules & new strategies with real money while backtesting on +15 years of historical data at night after the markets close. More often than not...the strategies are than mouth-ball into the closet for use another year when market conditions are suitable for the trade signal strategy...only sharing with those clients that have been sharing with me their brokerage statements & quantitative statistical analysis of their trading.

I also want you to know that RobB was a member of the free chat room at a key period when the troll that made threats showed up about the same time Dr. Dean Handley showed up in the free chat room...therein lies the rub...the time line for when all the trolls showed up about the same time.

RobB would then demand to talk to other fee-base clients to see if they're profitable and would publicly ignore WRB Analysis users that posted real-time profitable trades and he would ignore their brokerage statements. Now think about that statement I just made.

Image Whom else have I accused of ignoring the full brokerage statements and real-time trades by users of WRB Analysis ??? (Hint: Emmett Moore)

Yet, RobB seem to be only interested in the few clients that were not having success via WRB Analysis. I even identified to RobB the few traders not performing well with WRB Analysis although they were still in the learning phase of the analysis and were still on simulator. I even gave him permission to have conversations with them in private. That too he wasn't interested in having a private conversation with them but his excuse was that they were using IRC.

Seriously ??? That's a lame excuse by RobB after requesting to only talk to traders not performing well. I think he was surprise I pointed them out (the few not doing well on a simulator) along with those that were performing well in real money trading via WRB Analysis.

RobB never asked me for any broker statements although he implied at Emmett Moore's review blog that he did. The fact is that RobB was aware of the daily broker profit/loss statements I posted almost every trading day in my performance record and all over my documented in the IP address trail of his clicks and movements from webpage to webpage at TheStrategyLab and its resources. Also, he was aware that I did screen sharing with selected members but he was anger by this due to the fact that he was never invited to the screen sharing due to his consistent distraction while members were in the middle of their trades.

(click on image to view Broker Profit/Loss Statement by a client of TheStrategyLab)

Archive Storage for Clients Broker Statements @ (clients current broker statements only stored in private longer at the public archive storage forum)

Getting back to RobB request for me to prove that other WRB Analysis users were profitable. This was a bizarre request because he had access to the public threads were other users posted their broker statements and posted their real-time trades in the free chat room while RobB does not post his own images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform nor broker statements.

Yet, he took it one step too far when he begin insulting members that posted their verification of trade performance involving their use of WRB Analysis...I had to ban him for harassing other members and me during our open trades as if his goal was to cause a distraction to impact your trade decisions to result in a negative trade outcome.

Image Users of WRB Analysis Brokerage Statements @ (current brokerage statements only posted in members private threads)

This is when I became suspicious that RobB was just playing a game and that he was allowing someone else to use his log-in credentials because his questions were often a repeat of prior answered questions.
RobB was never allowed in the screen sharing because of his shitty attitude and constant disruptions along with strange questions that already been answered in the previous trading days...sometimes making me suspicious that someone else was using his user name or sometimes I thought RobB was psychotic especially when he lost money while under the care of his mentor (he never gave a name of the mentor) and his switching back n forth between his own trade signal strategy and my WRB Analysis merged with a trade method he failed to backtest.

Ironically, RobB openly stated at Emmett Moore's review blog that he got his money worth from his payment to TheStrategyLab for the advance tutorial chapters (lower service) via the trade management education content that came with the service he purchased even though he had initially told me it didn't work when he backtested the trade management information. I asked RobB to share his backtest results and his use of the trade management file...he absolutely refuses to share the information resulting in me questioning his honesty and identity.

Eventually, I banned RobB after many warnings to stop harassing me when he knew I was in the middle of trades (open positions) instead of waiting for me to complete my trades. He even refused to post his questions in his private thread. The other reason for the ban was because another client complained about how RobB was disturbing his ability to learn WRB Analysis and his arguing (whining) while trading...disturbing others on Skye (RobB hated IRC).

Just prior to the ban, RobB notified me he had been talking with Mr. Troll and that Mr. Troll had given him the impression that he was a fee-base client. In addition, RobB notified me that Mr. Troll had mentioned his proprietary robot Emini ES trading system along with bragging about its profit levels. I told RobB that Mr. Troll is a banned former free user (not a fee-base client) just trying to market/advertise his trading systems to users of WRB Analysis. RobB seemed to have some kind'uv of interest in the guy because he specifically stated to me...that's an interesting guy.

Later, I realized that the person I prefer to refer to as Mr. Troll on IRC that was trying to market his robot trading systems most likely was Emmett Moore or an affiliate that used multiple different IP addresses via VPNs or rented IP addresses. Sometimes he would communicate with me by talking about his robot trading systems one day via an IP address from Florida, another day he would have an IP address from Panama, another day he would have an IP address from California, another day from Texas, next day he would have an IP address from the Philippines...often giving a hilarious excuse that he's traveling and using his cell phone.

Yet on cue, he would criticize profitable real-time trades by users of WRB Analysis while never (refusing) posting his own trades in the public area of the chat room so everyone can see. He sometimes posted trades in Light Crude Oil CL futures to me in private...usually a losing trade while admitting he's using the trade management file differently than the rules and questioning why I didn't take the same trades as he did when he knew I trade the Emini TF futures.

Worst, he would laugh at other members' broker statements even though he knew other members were aware that he was not able to post his own brokerage statements correlated to that robotic trading system he's been trying to market to the users of TheStrategyLab. The members eventually got tired of his bragging and they then asked me to ban RobB for all the distractions...I did just that. He was banned and that's when all the threatening emails begin along with his promises of retaliation (promise I would get a bad review).

I hope he enjoys his life at the blog of Emmett Moore...a suitable place for him.

By the way, that promise of retaliation I thought in error was in reference to the pending review by Dr. Handley but when Dr. Handley posted his review of was positive. Thus, what was his promise of retaliation in reference to ???

Once again, you do the math.

Also, you can review accolades via clients that made their commentaries while many of them was using my service @ and I have 10x more accolades documented but not posted.

Further, I suspect Emmett Moore did his review because of his animosity towards Dr. Dean Handley that also does reviews although the reason he gave me was that specific people had contacted him. In contrast, my clients believe Dr. Dean Handley threw me under the bus sort of speak via using a secret alias to complain to Emmett Moore about me website after I refused to purchase Dr. Dean Handley's seminar. The other possibility is that I've banned a lot of individuals for trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room, harassing others, threatening members or myself. The bans often angers the person that's banned and some of them vow that I will regret such.

Note: I've recently learned that Dr. Handley had financial arrangements with some of the websites in his reviews. I do not know if such is true and my website had no financial arrangements with Dr. Handley although I became suspicious of Dr. Handley when he asked me on IRC to pay for some online seminar and he then implied if I did such he would continue mentioning my website with its positive review in the global trade titans report. I declined the offer because there seem to be manipulation and he responded by notifying me he would remove my website from his database.

Thus, website was no longer mentioned in any further articles by Dr. Handley beyond the initial article that was a positive review.

Impersonators of our Users (fake replies)

In fact, 4 individuals replying to Emmett Moore Jr. review of TheStrategyLab are either liars or impersonators of former free users or former fee-base clients that I have banned from the free chat room and/or banned from the forum itself.

One is a racist and I held him accountable for his racist commentary in the chat room about Asians and Native Americans, one frequently harassed other members via calling them liars, and several times he would impersonate other members, one is upset I would not allow him to purchase my higher level service so that he can understand my trades and the other is still mad because I banned a good friend of his that was harassing other members and mudslinging profanity towards them in private messages...his friend is a frequent poster at the review blog of Emmett Moore Jr.

I expect all users to be professional when they use my free services and fee-base services. I take complaints very seriously by other members about the behavior of another member.

With that said, it's easy for someone to pretend at Emmett Moore's review blog that they're a user name from our free chat room and used WRB Analysis because our screenshots are public (not private). Yet, we easily counter these impersonators via posting our public screenshots via showing documentations of their profitable trades in the chat logs, public documentations of their profitable trades in the screenshots, and their public positive reviews/testimonials that we have yet to post except for the one below involving user name ItalianSharp. However, if there's litigation...we'll then reveal the contents from their private threads that contain their brokerage statements (profitable), our documentation of their learning, and other private information including their positive commentary about TheStrategyLab.
In fact, there's an alarming rate of growing fraudulent reviews that's becoming big business involving high rating reviews and low rating reviews. Yet, if someone posted a negative review and they are a verified customer...I would see it as constructive criticism (good for business) and use it as an opportunity to improve the service. In contrast, a negative reply in a review without verification of purchase / trading with false statements for the sole purpose to cause harm to a business is viewed as malicious, revengeful and could face legal trouble if such caused any harm to far it has not. More importantly, I'm currently busy with a lawsuit against the hospital involving my hospitalization the fall of 2016.

Why doesn't Emmett Moore do such...verify purchase of those replying in his reviews similar to what legitimate review websites are doing today in other products ??? (we know the answer to that question)

For example, of the deceit by Emmett Moore in his blog in which he's either impersonating users or he allows anonymous guest visitors to post false information without verification as opinions under the façade of facts. Seriously, Emmett Moore reviews all messages at his blog prior to allowing them to be posted. Therefore, it should be very easy for him to request proof of purchase such as a PayPal email confirmation, and timestamp trade fills in broker statements prior to allowing the message to post.

Some are obvious fakes (impersonators) when they say they purchased the free chat room, they purchased the trading manual, they purchased a mentor service, the rules are not well defined, they say I sell automated trading systems or they say they requested my broker statements.

Yet, the example below is someone at Emmett Moore's review blog...impersonating one of our fee-base clients named ItalianSharp. You only need to compare the information by ItalianSharp in the below is a glowing positive review by ItalianSharp at my website / forum / chat room and the other is a negative review by italiansharp at Moore's blog.

(click on image or link below to review large image of ItalianSharp Accolade)

Image ItalianSharp Accolade at TheStrategyLab @

In fact, the ItalianSharp I know is very particular about how he spelled his user name in the chat room, forums and blogs here at TheStrategyLab and at other website/forums/social media sites. For example, he always capitalized the first letter of Italian...resulting in I (not a small i) and the same spelling format for the letter S in Sharp. Very similar to the same spelling format when I use when writing TheStrategyLab instead of thestrategylab.

Image ItalilianSharp Traderslaboratory @

Image ItalilianSharp Twitter @

Further, the real ItalianSharp I know has never had a discussion with me about my daily redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform nor broker statements because it was already posted at the free TSL Support Forum and website...all of it that he had access to. In contrast, the italiansharp at Mr. Moore's blog specifically states he did ask to see my broker statements and that I was avoiding him. That doesn't make sense considering the information is posted every trading day in my daily performance record except for my quantitative statistical analysis (private info only) and occasionally in the archive chat logs for anyone to review (registration not required to view).

Another contradiction to the below italiansharp...he was a member in the live screen sharing for a few months as shown in a few image screenshots at the website that showed my broker trade execution platform with trades. Simply, ItalianSharp saw the trades in real-time being executed in my broker trade execution platform, and saw the same trades posted in the free chat room via an autoscript (within 3.2 seconds after confirmation in my broker execution platform) and then saw the same trades in the archived chat logs.

In addition, ItalianSharp was aware that my redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform were posted within minutes after I completed my last trade of the trading day for many years in my public trade journal. Today, I only post my redacted screenshots in my private trade journal here at the forum but will copy a few for public viewing to show that I'm still trading...for those that do not read the archive chat logs...for those that occasionally send me an email to ask if the website is still active. :lol:

Now compare that to the "italiansharp" below at Mr. Moore's blog.

In contrast, the italiansharp at Mr. Moore's blog states he didn't see proof. Also, he's very sneaky and will continue trying to gain access to something that was given to the real ItalianSharp for free as an upgrade from a lower level service he had purchased. I expect you to continue referring to WRB Analysis of the VTR as the "trading manual" and you will continue ignoring my timestamp redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform while you're unable to provide any verification about your TheStrategyLab identity, you're not able to post timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform to verify the application of WRB Analysis, and you're not able to post a screenshot of your payment receipt from PayPal.

As stated above...the real ItalianSharp and I never had any conversations about verification especially with him having access to the free chat room with real-time trades being posted by users of WRB Analysis, live screen sharing and daily broker profit/loss statements. Yet, he once stated in private message during the live screen sharing...he complimented me on my fast typing skills in posting the trades in the free chat room after he saw the same trades being executed in the broker trade execution platform along with complimenting me for explaining any particular trade he had questions about.

Thus, the below italiansharp at Emmett Moore's blog is an impersonator (fake) when he stated in the below image of Emmett Moore's blog "as you can imagine, we went back and forth in this pretzel of conversation that was meant to divert my attention away from the topic of verification. Very frustrating".

My kids would call this impersonation a big fail.

Shame on Emmett Moore Jr. for not vetting those that post on his blog that goes on record to state they're a client of a vendor that's being reviewed. Then again, as some of the clients at TheStrategyLab stated...those fake guest visitors to his review blog are most likely usernames created by Emmett Moore Jr. to spice up his reviews considering my archive chat logs are public. Thus, anyone can review the logs without registration and see the usernames that used the free chat room and then later pretend to be that username at other websites/forums/blogs.

(click on image or link below to review large image of impersonator italiansharp)

Impersonator italiansharp at Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools blog @

Note: If you do not like what Emmett Moore is doing and he has harmed your business...I highly recommend you contact an Internet Defamation Removal Attorney that specializes in the area of internet defamation including revealing the real identities of posters making negative commentary via false statements or lies about your business for further lawsuits even if they're located in another country. Many of these attorneys have litigated successfully more than 100 internet defamation lawsuits across the United States and Canada.

As stated, I've documented other impersonators at Emmett Moore Jr's Tradingschools blog involving the review of TheStrategyLab. This should make anyone curious if such has occurred in other reviews by Emmett Moore Jr...fake statements (fake visitors of the review) created by Emmett Moore or by his affiliates in the replies to a review for entertainment purposes. Yet, I don't have any proof such has occurred in other reviews at his review blog except for the proof posted above via the review of TheStrategyLab although I've heard rumors by other website owners that some of the consistent writers at Emmett Moore's blog are indeed fake guest visitors with a sole purpose to try to create credibility about the review.

By the way, I do know that forum owners do create some aliases for the sole purpose to gain view counts, gain click counts and popularity via starting controversial topics to attract readers & replies for the forum so that the results will likely get sponsorship, partnership, affiliation dollars for the forum owner. Its a salty forum tactic and a salty tactic used by blog owners too.

Reminder - Emmett Moore Jr. does admit at his own Tradingschools review blog that he uses VPNs, rented IP address, and affiliations with others to hide their identities to gain access to services of vendors they want to review including using impersonations (using log-in credentials) of members...something a convicted felon most likely would not hesitate to do at his own review blog to create the illusion of replies that are negative about a website in review especially something easily to do in review of TheStrategyLab because my chat room logs and screenshots of users are public record for transparency.
This reply is to Tradeau (the person that posted before the fake italiansharp impersonation in the above image) - I only edit/correct grammer errors (pun intended)...shame on me. Also, my user name change was publicly announced (not discreetly as you've implied) at Baron's forum and Baron only locks threads of anyone at his forum in which he knows for fact there's disinformation being posted and only after he's gotten complaints about such from multiple members. Also, you're a liar...I'm not a black man nor am I simple. Further, I speak French and its my native language...the country I was born in. Also, I speak English and Lakota (father & grandmother's language. By the way, I know a little Portuguese too that I learned in college...all because you stupidly think its because of a marketing deception. Yet, if it was a marketing deception as you've stated...I would pretend I was white with an ivy league education living in some upscale neighbourhood in New York along with using a grammar/spell check every time I wrote a message to hide my lack of sophistication. My trader profile is public and posted for many years @ or

Yet, it really does not matter if its Moore himself impersonating my clients at his forum via the fact their user names are easily visible in the website broker profit/loss statements or if its a former member (e.g. Silo) or one of their associates. In fact, Silo has done impersonations several times before in the past after I banned him for harassing other members during trading day. Also, I have verification documentation of him admitting and bragging about doing the impersonations just to make negative commentary about the website and trying to gain access to services I would not allow him to purchase.

Then again, its the internet (social media) and nothing surprises me about the unprofessional behavior by these trolls nor Emmett Moore's interest to cater to such considering he brags about using rented IP addresses & VPNs and uses fake trader profiles...the latter is illegal (against the law) if used for the purpose to ruin someone's reputation.



Note: Silo is a key troll here because he is the worst of the trouble makers that was harassing other members and myself. Ironically, he's also the one that had bragged the most to other members about how helpful/useful WRB Analysis was to his growing profit level. He's also a key person in association with other trolls at another forum via the names szubaark (a troll that attacks via private message only) and traderob (formerly known as roberk) @

Simply, what is this really about ? Is it about me not allowing a convicted felon or any stranger to have access to my trading accounts that contains private information about me ?

Is it about Dr. Handley statistical analysis positive review of TheStrategyLab and the fact Dr. Handley made 60k in mimicking my trades although without my permission, without my knowledge and without verification of his 60k profit until I read about it in Dr. Handley's review of TheStrategyLab ?

Thus, is it just jealousy by Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools ?

Is it about my banning of several trouble makers that were harassing members @ TheStrategyLab along with doing the same at other forums ? Is it about me denying them access to resources they did not pay for and they thought in error I would be a nice guy that would give them free access to those other higher level services ? Is it about me exposing one of their online buddies and then banning him for being a vendor that promoted my WRB Analysis as his own without giving me any credit for his profits ?

Regardless to why...the fact is that they decided to become online trolls (real assholes) and they were then surprised that I held them accountable for their inappropriate behaviors...some of which I could easily pursue litigation if I choose to do so considering a few of them I know their real names and residence location.

With that said, I make no guarantees or promises that someone using my services, free or fee-base, will be profitable. I've never told any client or visitor they will be able to trade like me. I've never told any client or visitor they will become rich if they use my services. Most of my services are free and most users often use the services on their own without interaction with me...its setup to be self help (self-serve). Most are happy with their trade results or happy with the improvement in their understanding of the price action they're trading even if they aren't profitable (trading improved but they have yet to reach profitability). I have free users and clients that have posted their brokerage statements @ TheStrategyLab forums or elsewhere at other forums/blogs and the results (good or bad) correlate with the price action concepts from WRB Analysis.

One such individual is listed as a reference in the WRB Analysis free study guide with the forum location he posts at for you to contact for your due diligence. I list him as a reference because some traders do not care about my trade results and prefer looking at the trade results (good and bad) of others using WRB Analysis. In addition, his English writing skills are much better than my English...English is not my native language.

I do not use automation, mechanical system codes or custom indicators. Although I talk about algorithm trading (good and bad) in today's markets just like any other trader would do. I am just a discretionary trader using a rule base trading method.

The Review of TheStrategyLab

(click on image to view Emmett Moore review of TheStrategyLab

Emmett Moore list TheStrategyLab into categories as trading rooms, trading courses, trading mentors and live trading rooms with those that offer such as a fee-base (subscription) alert service. Yet, we do not offer a mentor program and we do not offer any type of a signal calling trade alert room service in which Emmett Moore Jr. refers to as "live trading rooms". Both of these services we do not offer.

First of all, I'm going to tell you many things that Emmett Moore does not want you to know about TheStrategyLab and he had no discussion with me about these particular topics. Simply, he wanted to misguide his readers about many aspects of

Image Futures Trading Chat Room - My chat room is free, has always been free and I will never charge a fee for the chat room. Chat room was started on IRC by members themselves and I moderate it to keep out spammers, drive-by curiosity seekers and trouble makers that have no intention to share real-time price action analysis or real-time trades. The chat room is simple, easy to maintain, auto timestamp logs, auto uploads logs, deep history storage of text files for easy transfer/copy if needed and my own services are not marketed (spammed) in the chat room.

The purpose of the free chat room is for members to use it as a trade journal to post their trades...not to mimic the trades of someone else. I myself post real-time trades and real-time price action analysis in the chat room to encourage others to do the same. Those that do not post trades in the free chat room while using it and then do not post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in their private thread...they are removed from the free chat room.

Yet, in his review he stated he did not know what the purpose was for the chat room when in reality he knew because the purpose is stated all over the website, forum and chat room...the purpose of the free chat room is to be a personal trade journal of your trades in a well moderated timestamp environment to correlate with your screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trader execution platform posted in your private thread because most broker statements do not show timestamps nor position size.

Those that refuse to follow the terms of use policy for the free chat room, I eventually remove (ban or kick) them from the chat room because they are either there as drive-by curiosity seekers, they are trying to use the chat room as a signal calling trade alert room or they are trying learn how to trade even though they know its know there's no mentoring service (teach how to trade).
In fact, most of the trolling / complaints involve a trader being banned from the free chat room.

Therefore, its obvious Moore got his information from those I've banned or from one of his stooges that briefly gained access to the free chat room that then attempted to use our free chat room for something its not designed for. That latter is a possibility because I often am asked by anonymous people why I do not offer a service involving signal calling and they are unhappy with my reply that I do not believe in services like that.

Why I do not have a signal calling trade alert room ?

I've studied a lot about cognitive decision making, neuroscience and behaviour finance. There's a 7 second delay in the decision making process after seeing visual information that's needed to make a short term action in stressful conditions. There's further delays (additional seconds) due to our own prior experiences and recent experience impacting our decision on a conscious level. Thus, by the time someone makes a decision to mimic someone's trades...the price they saw on the screen with new information during the initial 7 seconds (e.g. audio, noise at home) will result in a further reaction delay in placing a trade. Simply, its too late to mimic someone's trades unless the market is so slow and price is still just sitting there when the you first saw someone's trade. Now add in typical trading platform differences, ISP're chasing ghosts unless trades are called before the fact. For example, pretend price @ 1425.00 and you're bullish and you tell followers in your chat room you have a "buy order in at 1425.75"...that's an example of before the fact trade calls.

In the meantime and before your order is conditions change and your order is filled in price action that's no longer the same as when you initially placed your order. Now you know why before the fact signal calling services are not profitable and have a high turnover rate among its members.

Regardless, the information I've learned about cognitive decision making and behavior finance has helped tremendously with my consistency (profits) along with education involving the psychological of trading.

Image Trading Mentor - I do not have a mentor service and I never have had one. Yet, every month I do get offers (about 12k per offer) to do mentoring and if I did...a mentoring service is years into the future and it will only occur in person from my own trading account in front of the student with a guarantee that if I'm not profitable during the mentoring session...the student gets a full refund plus a refund of any loses the student incurred during the mentoring. So yeah, I would like to have a mentoring service but I'm a few years away from such due to family reasons.

Seems manipulating on Emmett Moore side to compare me to other mentoring services when he knew I do not have a mentoring service. Instead, he took a little piece of information when I said I'm constantly being offered to do mentoring and twisted it into disinformation. Also, I told some of my clients that if I offered a mentoring service...they would receive free mentoring (in person) and that if someone from their country solicits me to do mentoring...I would allow the client to do the mentoring considering the client speaks the same language and resides closer to the student...allowing for in-person mentoring. Yet funny, Emmett Moore was fixated on the 12k cost number and he decides to twist the above info in his written review such as not stating there's no mentoring program, never has there been one and that I'm solicited by others.

Image Live Trading Room - Moore states "there is no live trading". This is another lie of many as clearly shown at the next link there's live real-time trading since 2002 by me and many users of the free chat room @ and there are brokerage statements by users in the "Profit Loss Statement" threads.

Yet, if he meant to say that there's no screen sharing during real trading...that too would be false. We only do screen sharing with qualified members, trusted members that have actively posted brokerage statements & quantitative statistical analysis in their private thread at the forum and only with those that have a full understanding that screen sharing is a two way street (I can view their screens too), full understanding that this is not a signal calling service, full understanding that there's no mentoring with full understanding that I will make screenshots of the screen sharing for public posting (verification) anywhere at TheStrategyLab for those not in the chat room or not in the screen sharing.

Note: Any trader invited to the two way screen sharing that does not place any trades in their broker trade execution platform...they are not invited back to the next screen sharing.
Moore is a convicted felon of fraud in the amount of +600 million dollars or more and only paid back 350k in restitution to his victims. Most likely he's ruined many lives. Dr. Handley discovered Moore's fraudulent ways have continued after his release from prison involving a fake business. Now Moore is using his blog to try to gain free access to services by traders under the facade he's doing a review and he's trying to profit via such. In fact, he uses multiple aliases, false identities and/or he partners with others to do the same. I choose to have no association with someone with his background and those that choose to have an association with him...good luck with that and your trading. Also, do not share any private information with him involving your trading account.

My trades (wrbtrader) at the above FTCHAT link clearly are timestamped (real-time), clear entries/exits, and position size. Yet, I do not have time to discuss my trade management in real-time but I do discuss it in the free study guide, free FVB basic trade signal strategy, and in my daily routine message post that's posted at the forum. Also, I will only respond to questions when the trade is closed or if I have time during an open trade. If I didn't follow my own rules or I made a mistake on my entry/exit or trade management...I usually notify the chat room about such and give a real-time explanation. Yet, the most important reason for the notification is for my own records so that I can read the chat log for any trading day to read any commentary by myself about what I did wrong in any particular trade. This is extremely critical information (feedback) I need to help me adapt my trading whenever market conditions are always changing.

Emmett Moore states he hires someone (a.k.a. minion) to enter chat rooms to attempt to replicate live trades. If he did such for my free chat room...the minion working for Emmett Moore Jr. would have read the entry rules for the free chat room...copy/mimic/piggyback/replicate not allowed. Those caught trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room will be banned without warning.

Regardless, why does not show the videos/screenshots of his timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in correlation with the signal calling trade rooms he's recommending as verification its highly replicable as he states to his readers ?

We all know the would verified what I stated earlier in this message post...signal calling trade alerts rooms are not highly replicable. This is another example of his hypocrisy and fraud.

Reminder of the following:

Image Trading Course - I do have three trading courses via the prices of $15.33, $237 and $473. Moore has never used the service. Moore states another LIE that its $497. The actual prices are $15.33 and $237 courses for advance WRB Zones that is for clients that have their own trade signal strategies. Essentially, these two courses are designed to improve the performance of your trade signal strategies via advance WRB Analysis. In contrast, the $473 involves my own trade signal strategies and represents a minority of the clients in comparison to the other fee-base clients. Some clients purchase the $15.33 or $237 courses in hopes I will freely share with them the $473 course that will allow them to understand the trade signal strategies behind my posted real-time trades. Currently, most clients using their own trade signal strategies do see an improvement in the performance of their trade signal strategies when they trade via my WRB Zones from the $15.33 or $237 courses. In comparison, among clients using my trade signal strategies via the $473 course, about 68% of my clients are profitable.

Emmett Moore states more misinformation via saying I said my trade methods work in all markets. I never had such a conversation with Emmett Moore, he never asked me about such nor did I say such with anyone else. The fact is that anytime someone asks me what markets are suitable for my trade methods, I give them the link to the trading instruments applicable list @

As anyone can read the info at the above link to see how Emmett Moore twisted the truth. Only WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters is applicable to any market that you can see WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals and WRB Zones on a chart via the $15.33 and $237 courses. In contrast, the trade signal strategies from the $473 service are only applicable to the listed trading instruments at the above link. Simply, the trade signal strategies are not applicable to all markets.

Currently, I only get 1 - 2 clients every 3 months. The low number of clients is mainly do to the fact that I don't advertise outside of my website and there's a verification/qualification process prior to purchase. Advertising of TheStrategyLab is mainly done via word of mouth via satisfied clients and a few of them are in my referral program. Currently, I have a 92% satisfaction with my service although most clients think I should offer more education tools (e.g. videos and mentoring).

Those complaining in the replies to Emmett Moore Jr's review of TheStrategyLab, are mainly users of the $15.33 and $237 service, impersonators that are not using WRB Analysis or possibly purchasing our material without our knowledge and without our support from reseller websites that stole our education content. Another possibility, these are banned trolls for harassment of other members of the free chat room or harassment of me resulting in distracting others from our trades.

Image WRB Analysis Free Study Guide - Anyone can download it without registration. Emmett Moore Jr. purposely did not use its name in the review because he knows anyone can download it and compare it to what he would have written in his review versus any of my rebuttals or users verification of trade performance with WRB Analysis. Instead, he stated "there is no defined rule set" and "subjective". This is another LIE and you can download the free study guide to verify there are indeed very detail and strict rules @

Also, some users have coded (programmed) the WRB Analysis free study guide. They discuss their efforts @

Most users of are free users and they are given free support if asked. Of those that contact me after learning/applying the free study guide and other free services, 90% are satisfied and their common complaint is the rules are too strict and the lack of videos on Youtube as support for the free services. Videos are pending for free users only via the WRB Analysis free study guide.


I'll update this rebuttal at a later date with the images from the bottom of this message post being embedded above because I rushed to get this message posted while having a very busy personal schedule. Thus, currently, I don't have much time to spend on this. I have nothing to hide but I do value my privacy/security when talking to complete strangers especially those like Emmett Moore that has a history of criminal activities, fraud, convictions, lying, fake profiles, VPNs & rented IP addresses, and psychopathic behaviours.

You can review accolades via clients that made their commentaries here at TheStrategyLab and other locations while many of them was using my service @

Reminder, if you purchase any of our services...I will ask for proof of use (learning/application) via backtesting results, brokerage statements (simulator or real money), quantitative statistical analysis via any of the recommended professional trade journal software. Those that are unable to post this verification information will be denied access to other services by TheStrategyLab until the data is posted in their private threads.

Free Resources @

Questions about Fee Base Services @

Reminder, no service is perfect. Yet, the majority of my clients are satisfied and only a small minority are not satisfied. Some of the minority are truthful but a smaller percentage are not truthful (e.g. Rob B) replies at Emmett Moore blog. The purpose for his review is to discredit the positive reviews by other websites/blogs that do reviews such as Dr. Dean Handley. I also believe that the failed business partnership between Emmett Moore with Dr. Dean Handley drives his attacks on any thing touched by Dr. Dean Handley due to the fact that Dr. Dean Handley discover that Emmett Moore was continuing his fraud behavior via a company name Moore Marketing Associates.

I'll start with a time line of what I consider to be key events that occurred prior to Emmett Moore's review so that you'll have a better understanding. Prior to 2013 I had an already gained a big reputation (bad reputation) due to my banning of members that harassed other members, banning of spammers, banning of racists (those that made more than one racist commentary towards someone's ethnicity or stereotyping), banning of other vendors that I suspected were there to gather ideas from my website for their own services and banning of any individuals I caught using my free chat room to mimic (piggy back) my live real-time trades. I was banning so much that many referred to me as the Nazi moderator including using that phrase towards me at other forums I'm a member e.g. and BigMikes (aka

I myself am in good standings at the forum and I do not market my services at the ET forum and ET management has always been aware of my vendor status since the day I joined the forum. In fact, Joe in ET management use to visit my free chat room and he then invited me to join the forum. Simply, nothing was hidden on my side and ET management is aware of my status as a trader/vendor, especially considering Joe (a former partner of the owner named Baron) came to my website and enter my chat room to give me an invitation to join forum when I was known as NihabaAshi. I just don't advertise or market myself at the forum nor do I need to do such.

Outside the debates with the hypocrites, I mainly use ET to discuss psychology, health & fitness, behaviour finance, algorithms, and wall street news. I do not offer any services on these specific topics.

Getting back to Dr. Dean Handley and his positive review...I was surprised by his statistical analysis of my live real-time trades although not the type of stats that I keep did closely correlate with my own monthly analysis. Yet, I was disappointed in the review in that he did not discuss the opinions (good or bad) from verified clients. In addition, he seemed very confused or didn't understand the importance of position size management in my trading and he failed to mention the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide along with other free resources. Essentially, the review didn't contain any information about my personal background, trading history, and struggles. More importantly, the review didn't contain any information (good and bad) about the history and struggles of my clients...verified clients. Also, there was very little about the opinions of the free users that makes the bulk of my website users. In addition, he initially didn't mention the fact my chat room is FREE (has never been for a fee) and that its not a signal calling service although he did correct his initial review later in a different online publication. Thus, my chat room was being compared to signal-calling trade alert rooms that charged a fee. For the record, my chat room is on IRC via the requests of free users an clients. Yet, most clients prefer to talk to me in real-time via Skype and other chat resources. I suspect users prefer IRC because its simple, auto logging, auto timestamp, key word searches, multiple connection servers around the world, coding (script) capabilities and its mobility. Once again, most users do not use IRC to communicate with me.

This is what I believe a review should be about and these people that do these reviews seem to have an agenda that's more self-serving (hidden agenda) and their failure to disclose any financial arrangements with all instead of mentioning a few...questions the entire review process. Unfortunately, I learned later from a trading friend that Dr. Dean Handley did copy (mimic) my posted trades even though he obviously was not getting the same fills while fully aware that I do not allow such...its a violation of my terms of use policy and had I known such...I would have banned him.

The Review of Emmett Moore ( /

(click on image to view review of Emmett Moore

I don't know him, never heard of him, and did not correlate him with anything initially during our first and only telephone conversation until later in the telephone conversation. Yet, that opinion changed quickly when I was reading online the information at a website called @ (I made an image copy of the website just in case the website disappears years from now). Therefore, as I read other reviews about, I suddenly became suspicious when he said he had initially emailed me and I know the only emails I don't receive are via IP addresses already on my banned list.
  • Note: 2022- website is no longer available but there are other websites doing the same antagonistic attacks of
Emmett Moore Jr. most likely knew such (his emails did not reach their destination) considering he stated he puts a pings / codes in emails he sends to alert him when an email is received/opened. In fact, I use a spam guard will delete any email with pings / codes before it reached my inbox. Thus, someone like me would have never received his email nor opened the email. Continuing, in my discussion Emmett Moore about Dr. Dean Handley, Emmett Moore replied he had a prior working relationship with Dr. Dean Handley and quickly became uneasy as I spoke more about Dr. Handley because it became obvious that I was probing Emmett Moore. In fact, most of the conversation from my side was about Dr. Handley (not TheStrategyLab) and I could tell in the tone of Emmett Moore's voice...he was trying hard to avoid talking about Dr. Handley considering his quest was to try to dig up dirt about TheStrategyLab.

The only dirt (if you could call it that) he could find was that I ban a lot of traders from my website, forum, and chat room for un-professional behavior or violation of my terms of use policy. That's the main reason why he decided to fabricate a story about his ability to identify my ethnicity as a simple black man (his exact words) from a telephone conversation when he in fact got that wrong or it was intentional considering I openly discuss my ethnicity at my website and forum along with other personal background history.



Seriously, how can someone in the review business miss that information "about me" when there are direct links to it in my sitemap, forum links, openly shared in the free chat room, links to it in the archival chat logs ???

Worst, why would Emmett Moore publicly lie about my ethnicity in his review ???

Emmett Moore lies about TheStrategyLab that should make anyone reading his review blog very suspicious about his reviews of others and suspicious about his agenda involving how/why his review blog started...his attacks on Dr. Dean Handley after Dr. Handley exposed his fraud business called Moore Marketing Associates that had a fake address and fake employees.

It's simple, Emmett Moore has (had) a personal vendetta against Dr. Dean Handley and he decided to go after those that were reviewed by Dr. Dean Handley along with trying to turn his attacks into a personal business (financial gain). In some strange way, its political and it has nothing to do with helping others. He wants to line his pockets with money from sponsorship, partnership, and secret affiliations with those with scam reselling websites.

All of this should naturally raise doubts with anyone about Emmett Moore's truthfulness in reviews of others and unethical behavior...putting doubts with anyone considering doing business with Emmett Moore.

By the way, Emmett Moore states in his review that I was dodgy, evasive and highly manipulating. The guy uses VPNs, rented IP addresses, sneaks into signal calling trade rooms, impersonates members, and affiliates himself with individuals in foreign countries that have secret scam websites on the side that are reselling copyright-protected digital content.

I think Emmett Moore should spend some time looking in the mirror about his own behavior prior to calling someone dodgy, evasive, and highly manipulating.

Why ignore this info ???

Emmett Moore is a failed quant via one of the old online bios that he has now removed. Therefore, I strongly suspect he'll return to backtesting results, and hypothetical performance statistics as he secretly prepares to reveal his own automated trading system to his readers. He'll most likely test the waters via first talking about system trading by others.

Quants can't understand the behaviors of the markets... behaviors beyond the stats or price patterns and they attack any trader that believes there's more to profitable trading than just quantitative statistical analysis & price patterns. That's the only reason why I continue to maintain a free chat keeps me transparent about my opinions on volatility changes in the market, documents it for analysis at a later date to help adapt my trade strategies, and helps me to understand my views about volatility as it impacts my trades. This is critical info to my trading performance...beyond price action patterns. Thus, I will never stop having a free chat room until I retire from trading...something (retire from trading) I'm planning to do when my young children (now approaching their teens) become young adults around 21 years of age.

Note: At the time of this message post and review of Emmett Moore Jr., he refers to me as middle age man when he only needed to ask me (he did not ask) about my age in the telephone conversation. Had Emmett Moore asked a question about my age...I would have told him in 2016 that I was 48 years of age without mentioning the month/date I was born...although its none of his business.

By the way, Emmett Moore wasn't invited to any live screen sharing between members while trades are being executed because he did not qualify for qualify is via consistently posting screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform, DOKs and quantitative statistical analysis of using WRB Analysis in your private thread @ TheStrategyLab.

I make no the info to get in. It's really that simple. Thus, if you want to see me post trades in my trade execution platform and then post the exact same trades within 3.2 seconds via my auto-script in the free chat room...I need to see you do the same. This policy for screen sharing has prevented trolls like Emmett Moore from gaining access while others are able to qualify for access.
Emmett Moore failed all steps in the qualification. In fact, he didn't even attempt to qualify after realizing he couldn't impersonate his way into the live screen sharing.


Instead, he then decides its appropriate as a complete stranger on the telephone to ask for access to my trading accounts. Seriously...try someone on the telephone that you do not know and then ask them for access to their "trading accounts" with that person knowing you're a convicted felon and drug addict. You'll get the same answer as Emmett Moore got from me.

No is No...not dodgy nor evasive nor manipulating as he attempts to paint a false picture at his blog about my use of the word No to his ridiculous request for access to my trading accounts. He didn't even deserve an explanation about why I would say No to his request to give him access to my trading accounts because he'll pretend he doesn't understand that his criminal background, his failure to disclose such in the only conversation he had with me, his failure to mention the problems he has with Dr. Handley involving Dr. Handley discovering he was continuing in fraud via Moore Marketing Associates. The timing of his requests soon after a troll had made threats against my life and the life of my family after I told him I didn't want any partnerships with the troll because of his deceitful ways...

About the same time I asked Dr. Handley to leave my free chat room.


Anyways, back to website. The author stated that Emmett Moore's relationship with Dr. Handley had ended after Dr. Handley discover Emmett Moore was continuing his fraud behaviour via activities through the company name Moore Marketing Associates. That's when the hairs on the back of my neck started sticking up because what if Dr. Handley was involved in the negative comments about TheStrategyLab at Emmett Moore's review blog ???

Regardless to my suspicion about Emmett Moore, he wants everybody to believe he's an upfront/transparent guy. If that was true...why didn't he mention to me in the telephone conversation that he's a convicted SEC felon, spent several years in a federal penitentiary, drug addict and using IP address as the same as a well known troll on IRC that makes threats, impersonations, used rented IP addresses or VPNs and secretly enters chat rooms that are password protected ???

I'm thinking to myself, can all of this be a coincidence ?
There will be no permission from me, no consent and no further communication with Emmett Moore or his assistants. I want no association with anyone of his character, criminal background especially within the frame work that someone I'm still trying to identify had made threats to cause harm to me and my given to local law enforcement. Is it really complicated to understand I want nothing to do with these online creeps. It's that simple.

Further, the timing of his phone call and review within a few weeks after I had many people banned at, asked others like Dr. Handley to leave the free chat room after I notice an increase hack attempts on my website, forums and chat room...all within several weeks prior to the conversation with Emmett Moore. In addition, one disturbing recent event involves my discovery that someone anonymously had been broadcasting my live trades from my chat room to outside locations for a fee without my permission.

Rebuttal to Rob B

Rob B states he's a client of and replied to Emmett Moore review via stating misinformation and 1/2 truths. Yeah, I know who he is because everything he stated I've heard from only one member that fits that description. Rob B is a member that I denied access via not allowing him to purchase a higher level service that involved the advance trade signal strategies. Thus, Rob B only had access to a lower level service that does not contain my advance trade signal strategies. I will later update this rebuttal with more information and proof.


To Rob B: Of course my trades did not match the course you purchase. In contrast, they match the higher level course you did not purchase. You admitted you were hoping that if you purchased the lower level course that I would give you "free access" to the higher level course or "free access" to the private fee-base education chat room that came with the higher level course. I clearly said NO multiple times to you and each time it resulted in you debating with me about were constantly arguing with me about such. Next, you then admitted you were "sort'uv hoping" I would mentor you. I explained to you I do not offer a mentor service and that if I did couldn't afford the service. Also, I explained to you that you "did not qualify" to be mentored because you couldn't get by the basic requirement that a student must have a good relationship with the mentor prior to any mentoring.

List a debates with RobB with adequate explanations:

1) You debated about my use of IRC. I explained I used IRC (trade journal), Skype (answering questions about log-in problems) and Fuzemeeting (live screen sharing - two way).

You only qualified for access to IRC because it was free. Regardless, you and I primarily communicated via Skype. Thus, your arguments about IRC didn't make any sense.

IRC auto logs the conversation and then auto uploads the archive chat logs to my FTCHAT storage forum. Skype and Fuzemeeting does not have that capability nor does any other online communication software.

Regardless, I decide where to post my trades and the same with other members of the free chat room on IRC...not you (someone that refuse to post verification via redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify your trade performance via WRB Analysis).

2) Sometimes you would say in error that you paid for access to the free chat room. I would laugh via posting LOL...nobody has ever paid for access to the free chat room because its free. Instead, you purchase a lower level course involving Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapter 4...a price action analysis (not a trade signal).

Also, you did not purchase my trade signal strategies that I primarily used nor did you have access to new trade strategies that I was designing & backtesting...the latter pssst you off because you could not understand those particular trades and you were upset that I did not offer a mentoring service.

3) You debated with me often when I was not trading while you were trading especially after I announce I'm going to eat breakfast, lunch, done early for the trading day or had a planned day off from the markets for a pending vacation / fun day with the family / medical or dental appointment.

That too pssst you off because you felt that I should change my trading schedule and only trade when you were trading even though we didn't trade the same trading instrument. You were trading Light Crude Oil CL futures while I traded Emini Futures.

4) You debated with me via saying I do not follow my own rules. Of course you did not understand my trades because you did not have access to my trade signal strategies.

RobB, its simple, you did not pay for access to my core group of trade signal strategies which is why you couldn't understand my trade decisions. Thus, you only purchased the Advance Tutorial Chapter 4 to help improve your own trade signal strategies.

5) You often waited for me to post a trade in the chat room instead of focusing on your own trades and you attempted to use the chat room as a signal calling trade alerts room. You knew my terms of use policy and agreed with them to gain access to the free chat room.

You then violated my terms of use policy (multiple times) and I then banned you as soon as I had enough proof of your violation of my terms of use policy.

6) You never posted timestamp screenshots of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform to verify you were in fact using WRB Analysis properly even after I requested such.

Clients are require to document/journal their trading via WRB Analysis in their private thread. The only thing you did was post DOKs (hindsight chart analysis of WRB Analysis).

Later you admitted you were trying to get mentored and you admitted you knew I did not offer a mentor service but you thought in error I would be nice and mentor such a wonderful person as yourself (LOL).

7) You stated the only reason why you purchase the Advance WRB Analysis was to use the "trade management" rules. Thus, your entry signals in combo with my WRB Analysis trade management rules. Later you stated the trade management was worth more than the other educational content that you had purchased.

By the way, for those that made it this far in reading this extremely long rebuttal...RobB never qualified for access to screen sharing because of his lack of transparency about his trading via WRB broker statements, no images of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform, no quantitative statistical analysis, no backtest results about his trade strategies while using WRB Analysis (other members posted theirs while you had excuses for not posting yours). Instead, you only posted DOKs to verify you understood WRB Analysis.

This rebuttal has been my voice and I've been heard.

Archive Chat Log of Live Trades @

Performance Record @

TheStrategyLab Review @

Copyright ©

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry (aka wrbtrader)
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)
Image@ or

Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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