How To Gain Access To ##TheStrategyLab Chat Room

TheStrategyLab Free Chat Room
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Price Action Trading Chat Room

##TheStrategyLab free chat room is only for traders (day traders, swing traders, position traders) learning or using concepts of WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Chat room is located on the Libera IRC network and has been FREE since the year 2000 (it's birth). The purpose for the free chat room is for you to use it as a supplemental trade journal to provide critical information to your professional trade journal software to help improve your trade performance and helping you to follow your trading plan.

Therefore, we highly recommend you use the free chat room in combo with a professional trade journal software like,,,,,,, or

These professional trade journal software will do the quantitative statistical analysis for you involving your trade performance so that you can determine on your own, as an independent trader, the strengths & weaknesses of your trading.

Image Simply, journaling your trading minimizes the risk of ruin.

To qualify for access to ##TheStrategyLab chat room, please review and follow the instructions @

##TheStrategyLab is for traders of stocks, futures, exchange traded funds and forex currencies that want to document their trades, share price action market commentaries, ask questions and learn from other members that are profitable while using WRB Analysis...all in real-time. In addition, traders use our chat room because we have an excellent storage (archive) of the trading chat logs here at the TSL Support Forum going back many years.

Our free chat room has only a 3.0 review rating due to the fact that we ban traders for trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room...copy/mimic/piggyback members trades not allowed. The free chat room is for you to post your real-time trades or real-time WRB Analysis. In contrast, if you log in...only lurk (not say anything) must post your screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in your broker trade execution platform later in your private thread.

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How To Gain Access To ##TheStrategyLab Chat Room

#1 Post by wrbtrader »


Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
Chat Room Moderator (wrbtrader)
wrbtrader (more info about me): &
TheStrategyLab Reviews: &
Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri) (24/7) (24/7)
Skype: kebec2002

(click on image or link to view daily broker PnL statement)

Archive chat log for image to the left @

Our real-time chat room is free, professional, and is an excellent source for traders to post real-time basic WRB Analysis, real-time trades, or talk about other trading-related topics as a public trade journal (diary). Also, the free chat room is well moderated (to keep the peace between members).


WRB Analysis is not a trade signal... it's a price action analysis of the price action you're trading that you use with your trade signal strategies. Thus, if you do not have a trade signal strategy...WRB Analysis will be useless to you.

Also, do not confuse WRB Analysis with Wide Range Bar Analysis...these are two different price action analyses. WRB Analysis works with your trade signal strategies whereas Wide Range Bar Analysis is an independent trade signal strategy that's associated with another vendor. More information about the differences between WRB Analysis versus Wide Range Bar Analysis @
We often meet traders that think they're using WRB Analysis when in fact they're using Wide Range Bar Analysis including having purchased it from another vendor either as an automated trading system, mechanical trading system or as an indicator.
In fact, I'm not sure who created the Wide Range Bar Analysis. In contrast, M.A. Perry of TheStrategyLab created Wide Range Body Analysis which stands for WRB Analysis...I coined the phrase WRB Analysis. Yet, you can use Bar charts with WRB Analysis for those that do not use candlestick charts. Further, WRB Analysis is not about Japanese Candlestick Analysis.

This is a free chat room...access has never been for a fee. You must be using WRB Analysis and we will ask for DOKs to verify you understand the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and we'll request a redacted screenshot of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform to verify the application of WRB Analysis to gain access...occasionally again on random trading days that you use our free chat room to help ensure you're not trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room.
I will ban anyone if I suspect they're trying to use my free chat room to copy / mimic / piggyback / replicate trades posted by other members or myself...banned without warning and without explanation.
The purpose of the free chat room is for you to use as a supplemental trade journal about your trading that you will not find in your professional trade journal software, redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform or broker statements...critical information about your trading as you traverse from trade to trade while continuing to learn about WRB Analysis and key market events (KMEs) that move the markets that you're trading. Yet, if you log into the free chat room and do not post your trades nor post verification of the application of WRB Analysis in your private thread after you've completed your trading day...TheStrategyLab free chat room will be useless to you.


Note: Moderator means exactly what a moderator is at a typical forum...he/she moderates forum/chat discussions and removes/kicks out spammers, trolls, and troublemakers. A moderator does not mean "head trader". As stated, I keep the peace in the chat room. Thus, I manage the chat room so that only quality members are able to join because they're able to post verification of learning/applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide in their private thread after each day of using the free chat room to document their trading.

We don't care if you're on a simulator or trading with real money but do not troll ##TheStrategyLab free chat room nor attempt to use the free chat room as a live trading room (signal calling alert trade room). TheStrategyLab does not offer a signal calling trade alert service, never have has offered a signal calling trade alert service, never will offer a signal calling trade alert service because we do not believe in such as a business model.
We do not allow any trader to join our free chat room to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades posted by any member especially myself (wrbtrader) because our free chat room is for you to post your real-time trades or real-time price action analysis via WRB Analysis as your trade journal. Thus, the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room with a guru trader telling members what to trade, when to buy and when to sell.
Simply, if you join our free chat room and try to use it as a signal calling trade alert room (reviewers prefer to use the phrase live trade room)...we will ban you as stated in our terms of use policy @


Once again, the purpose of the free chat room is for you to use it as your trade journal although we highly recommend you use the free chat room in combo with a professional trade journal software like,,,,,,, or because these professional trade journal software will do the quantitative statistical analysis for you involving your trade performance so that you can determine on your own the strengths & weakness about your trading. Later, if you want to, you can then post your statistical analysis in your private thread for your eyes only in reviewing your trade results as you traverse from one trading day to the next trading day.

Lets Get You Started

Image Step 1 - You must first register/join our TSL Support Forum @

Image Step 2 - Post your trader profile message post @

Note: The questions you answered in the registration process are not your trader profile. In contrast, your trader profile is an actual message post that you must post at the above link just like everyone else. Also, do not post the below explained DOKs at the above trader profile link.

Image Step 3 - You must download the WRB Analysis free study guide and then learn its basic tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3 because ##TheStrategyLab chat room is only for traders learning/applying WRB Analysis with whatever trade signal strategy they may be using. Simply, you must learn basic concepts of WRB Analysis so that you can identify WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, WRB Zones / strong continuation and swing point price actions, Contracting Volatility, Volatility Breakouts, Reaction Highs/Lows, Key Market Events and WRB Profit Targets.

Just as importantly, you'll be able to understand the conversation in the chat room when the above key concepts are mentioned as they occur in real-time price action without needing someone to explain/define the terminology to you.

WRB Analysis free study guide @

Image Step 4 - You must demonstrate your knowledge (a.k.a. DOK) to show me that you have learned and understand the basic concepts from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Simply, you must post DOKs for tutorial chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Image There are many examples of DOKs for tutorial chapters 1, 2, and 3 @

Reminder: Do not ignore the KME requirement for the WRB Zones as explained in tutorial chapter 2. TheStrategyLab does not want traders using our free resources or using its fee-base resources that do not understand the importance of KME in trading because I'm a strong believer that a trader can not be a consistently successful trader via trade signals only without understanding what's moving the markets.

Equally important, your DOKs of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide will verify to me that you understand WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, Contracting Volatility, Volatility Breakouts and Profit Targets. If your DOKs are missing any of the mentioned key will not be allowed access to ##TheStrategyLab free chat exceptions.

The DOKs will ensure that you have a basic understanding of WRB Analysis prior to entry into the free chat room and ensure you understand any conversations in the chat room involving WRBs, WRB Hidden GAPs, KMEs, Contracting Volatility, Volatility Breakouts, Reaction Highs/Lows, WRB Zone s/r levels or WRB profit targets.

Further, the DOKs will help prevent drive-by curiosity seekers that want access to the free chat room while having no real intentions of learning/applying WRB Analysis along with ensuring traders didn't join the chat room in an attempt to use it as a signal calling trade alert room.

TheStrategyLab free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room, it has never been advertised as a signal calling trade alert room and we ban traders that use our free chat room without posting verification of their trading later in their private thread after they've used the free chat room.

Simply, you're not allowed to use our free chat room to mimic/copy/replicate the trades posted by other members.
Therefore, the purpose of TheStrategyLab free chat room is to be your trade journal for you to post your trades while using key concepts from WRB Analysis so that you'll have a better understanding of your trade results that you see in your screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform or broker statement.

To post your DOK, click on the New Topic button @ and below you'll see a few DOK examples by other traders. Note: Do not click on the Post Reply button while reading someone's DOK to prevent your DOK from being posted as a reply to someone else DOK.

Image Tutorial Chapter One: Post a DOK chart with annotations of WRB intervals and WRB Hidden GAP intervals as described in tutorial chapter 1.

DOK example @

Image Tutorial Chapter Two: You must post DOKs for all the Strong Continuation price action WRB Zones, DOKs for all the Swing Point price action WRB Zones and identify on your chart the KME that produced the WRB Zone.

There are two Strong Continuation WRB Zones and two Swing Point WRB Zones discussed in tutorial chapter 2 of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Therefore, your tutorial chapter two DOKs will consist of a minimum of 4 DOK DOK for each of the different WRB exceptions.

DOK example @

DOK example @

Image Tutorial Chapter Three: Post a DOK chart with annotations of WRB profit target 1 and WRB Hidden GAP profit target 1 or WRB Zone profit target 1 as described in the trade management section of the free study guide. You can use your own trade signal with WRB Analysis profit targets. If you do not have a trade signal, you must then pretend any price area on your chart was a trade signal for the purpose of annotating the price action afterward with WRB pt1 and WRB Hidden GAP pt1 or WRB Zone pt1.

Note: You must show in the chart the location of your trade signal (Long or Short signal) that's correlated with the WRB Analysis profit targets that you show on your charts. Yet, you do not need to explain the trade signal.

DOK example @

Yet, if you're having problems with understanding or identifying WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, or WRB profit targets via the definitions in the free study your questions here at the forum.

Image Step 5 - Post an image of your monitor showing your most recent timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in your broker trade execution platform with your charts (exactly as it looked on your monitor when you were trading with your charts). Thus, we must be able to see the broker trade execution platform with some executed trades, timestamp trade fills, and your charts...simulator or real money.

Click on the below redacted screenshot of TheStrategyLab's wrbtrader to see an example of one of his monitors from a multiple monitor trader workstation...the image is of the main center monitor that contains a chart, broker trade execution platform and recent trade fills (timestamp) in the broker trade execution platform.


If you don't want other members or guest visitors to see your images...please send an email to us to request us to setup a private thread for you to upload the images. We'll never share that image and never share any content from your private thread with anyone for security & privacy reasons involving your private exceptions.

These images of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) will be again asked about your recent trade activity if you decide to purchase our Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters. Simply, it lets you know you will need to post the information to qualify for purchase, and it's verification to you that TheStrategyLab only works with traders serious about learning WRB Analysis...not drive by curiosity seekers.

Note: Please redact (blacken out) any private/confidential information in your images for security & privacy reasons.

Just in case you ignored the image at the top of this message on the below-redacted screenshot again. It's another image example (older image) of TheStrategyLab wrbtrader main screen from a multiple monitor trader workstation. The image shows a chart, trade fills in the broker trade execution platform (exactly as it looked on the monitor when trading) within minutes after I completed my last trade of the trading day.


The above screenshot images are exactly what you should be posting regardless if you're on simulator trading or real money driveby curiosity seekers.

Image Step 6 - Send us an email or private message that you have read, understood and agree to our website/forum/chat room terms of use policy @

In addition, in the same must confirm you have read, understood and agree to the below participation rules...agreeing you will participate in the chat room via talking about the price action on your charts involving either WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, key market events, contracting volatility, volatility spikes, volatility breakouts, swing point price actions, strong continuation price actions, WRB Zone analysis, WRB profit targets, WRB Hidden GAP profit targets, reaction highs/lows, trade management, breaking market news, general market news, market context or real-time trades (simulator or real-money) involving the price action you're watching.
Our free chat room is for you to use as a trade journal of your thoughts via WRB Analysis from one trade to your next trade so that it provides the missing information you will not find in your broker statements alone.

Traders that log in and then lurk (don't participate...don't talk) consistently will eventually be removed (KICK or BANNED) without exception from the chat room because these types of traders bring down the quality of the chat room and/or attempt to use the chat room for other reasons that its not designed (e.g. signal calling trade alert room). Simply, the chat room is only useful if you participate and use it as a personal journal of your WRB Analysis thoughts or trades in combo with your broker profit/loss statements so that you can add another piece of the puzzle to successful trading.

Yet, if you do not feel comfortable posting in the chat room while using the chat room, you must then post a screenshot of your trades for that trading day in your private thread for the day you used the chat room...we do not want to see daily broker statements. Instead, we want to see daily images of trade fills in your broker trade execution platform. Also, do not use the excuse you're only there in the chat room to learn or observe when in fact you can just read the archive chat logs @ because the daily chat room logs are automatically posted each trading night.

Disclaimer: Today's trading performance is not an indication of my future performance and not an indication of the future performance for any trader that decides to learn/apply WRB Analysis. The risk of loss can be substantial. Therefore, you must carefully consider if trading is suitable for you within the context of your financial condition. is an educational and research site. The resources on this site are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace professional educational and professional research because we are retail traders only. TheStrategyLab does not accept liability for your use of the website and its resources.

We make no guarantees of success and your level of success is dependent upon other factors including your skill as a trader, knowledge, financial condition, market conditions and other factors. Trading is stressful and you should always consult a doctor in all matters relating to the physical and mental health of you and your family because trading can impact beyond your financial condition regardless if you're a profitable or losing trader.

Image ##TheStrategyLab Chat Room Primary Participation Rules:

Image Free chat room and the chat room is only for traders learning/applying WRB Analysis in their trading.

Image The chat room primary purpose is to be your journal of your thoughts about the price action you're trading and/or real-time trades being posted by you (your choice of which to do when you use the chat room). Further, your participation in the chat room will help you with your trading via providing critical feedback about how you interact with the markets…something you can not get from your broker statements all by themselves because all chat room conversation is stored in archives for you to review any time you want. Therefore, do not log-in and then be silent because you'll be giving nothing back to the chat room as a useful collaboration resource and you'll fail yourself in revealing your thoughts on any particular trading day while you were trading.

Image ##TheStrategyLab chat room is not a signal calling trade room nor is it a live trading room with a head trader telling you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. We do not have the time/energy/resources to operate ##TheStrategyLab as a signal calling trade room and we do not offer those types of services.

We only use the chat room to post our trades for transparency, for our own trade journal (diary) documentation of our own trades and to moderate (keep the peace between members) along with removing any user causing problems for other users of the chat room.

Image ##TheStrategyLab is not mentoring in the chat room as in teaching others how to trade. In fact, we do not believe a trader can be mentored into a successful trader via an online chat room, live trading room or whatever you want to call it because we strongly believe that mentoring can only successfully be done via in person mentoring...teacher and student sitting side by side in the students home office or the student sitting side by side with the teacher in the teacher's home office via trading a real money trading account.

This will allow the mentor to see personally other variables that's causing a trader to not become profitable that may or may not have anything to do with trading...variables that traders commonly hide from mentors in online mentoring.

Image If/when you do log-in to ##TheStrategyLab chat room, you’re required to post at least one price action commentary involving WRB Analysis or one real-time trade (simulator or real money) per day you use the chat room.

For those traders confused about the chat room participation rule, below are examples of commentary that involves participating in the chat room:

Forex EURUSD just produced a WRB Hidden GAP at 9am est on the hourly chart.

Emini ES futures testing the R area of the most recent WRB Hidden GAP on the 5min chart.

Contracting volatility in Light Crude Oil CL futures on the 15min chart.

Is that a WRB Hidden GAP in Emini TF futures on the 3min chart @ 1145am est ?

Gold GC futures volatility spike in reaction to the ECB speech.

Low volatility tight trading range today so far in Forex GBPJPY.

Trade in Eurex DAX futures just reached a WRB profit target.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) key market event @ 1030am est may have impact on the EuroFX 6E futures

There are more examples of WRB Analysis commentaries @ @

Image Also, if you’re going to ask someone questions about an open trade, ask your questions after the person has posted a trade exit or whenever you see the trader talking in the chat room during their open trade. In addition, type his/her user name in your question to ensure the trader knows you’re talking to him/her.

Image If you're not able to access the chat room after having been using the chat room, please revisit the password thread here at the forum to get the new password because you're most likely still using the old password that's no longer valid.

Yet, if you think posting real-time WRB Analysis or real-time trades is a distraction for you in the chat room, please post your end of the day commentaries at the TSL Support Forum or within any thread you think is suitable for your WRB Analysis commentary @ to prevent us from thinking you’re LURKING (not participating).

Reminder: If you see someone else that’s consistently lurking (not participating) in ##TheStrategyLab chat room, that trader may have a private thread at one of our discussion forums that he/she is actively posting WRB Analysis at the end of the day, actively posting DOKs in their private thread or actively posting brokerage statements & quantitative statistical analysis in their private thread. Thus, we decide who is violating our "no lurking" rule that's part of our terms of use policy...not you.

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Price Action Only Trading (no technical indicators)
Image@ or

Phone: +1 708 572-4885
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)
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