[09:42:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:43:33] <@wrbtrader> January 22nd Wednesday 2025
[09:43:38] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[10:01:22] <@wrbtrader> Emini futures and key markets not insync with their volatility
[10:22:53] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 6126.00 -> large size
[10:22:56] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[10:52:44] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 6122.50 --> + 3.5
[10:52:55] <@wrbtrader> small WRB pt1
[10:53:05] <@wrbtrader> sticky price action

[10:55:30] <@wrbtrader> If Emini futures were insync with each other and with other key markets I follow...I would have held that Short much longer even though it has been in a tight trading range for the past 40 minutes
[12:24:24] <@wrbtrader> be back later
[12:25:55] * Disconnected
[14:42:51] * Rejoined channel #TheStrategyLab
[14:42:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[14:43:10] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 6128.50 -> large size
[14:43:14] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[15:09:05] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 6131.75 --> + 3.25
[15:10:09] <@wrbtrader> Take care and see you tomorrow
[15:11:08] * Disconnected