[09:41:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:41:52] <@wrbtrader> January 17th Friday 2025
[09:41:55] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[09:46:33] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 6023.50 -> large size
[09:46:39] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[10:50:26] <@wrbtrader> good entry inside a Key KME WRB Zone and my target is the above Key KME WRB Zone (its S or R level of the zone)
[11:22:49] <@wrbtrader> price still creeping higher...getting closer to another Key KME WRB Zone (its S area)
[11:33:46] <@wrbtrader> snapback below the most recent Up WRB Hidden GAP interval
[12:15:03] <@wrbtrader> Emini ES is 6043.00 now...I'm not sure if it can reach the S area (6050.00) of the Key KME WRB Zone
[13:04:29] <@wrbtrader> volatility showing up
[13:21:00] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 6051.25 --> + 27.75
[13:42:27] <@wrbtrader> I'll be busy this weekend doing some cross country skiing with friends (former Airborne Rangers) at the new condo

[13:43:42] <@wrbtrader> Take care, have a nice weekend and see all on Tuesday because Monday is a holiday plus the Inauguration of a new U.S. President
[13:43:54] * Disconnected