February 22nd Wednesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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February 22nd Wednesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:20:54] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[09:20:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:33:12] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4012.00 -> large size
[09:33:20] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[09:33:40] <@wrbtrader> poor entry and it is bouncing all over the place
[09:33:59] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 4012.50 --> + 0.5
[09:34:19] <@wrbtrader> bailed...not a WRB pt1
[09:37:51] <@wrbtrader> KME today @ 2pm est
[09:46:23] <@wrbtrader> a lot of long shadow intervals...would have been difficult to stay in any trades had I taken them after my initial long position
[09:46:39] <@wrbtrader> VIX @ 22.83
[09:57:30] <@wrbtrader> messy messy messy price action as shown with the many long shadow intervals up & down
[10:08:18] <@wrbtrader> Key KME WRB Zone sitting a few points below current price level
[10:11:24] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3998.00 -> large size
[10:11:35] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[10:11:46] <@wrbtrader> chasing the volatility increase
[10:12:24] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3996.00 --> + 2
[10:12:41] <@wrbtrader> bailed...not a WRB pt1
[10:30:37] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3998.00 -> large size
[10:30:49] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[10:33:13] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3991.75 --> + 6.25
[10:33:26] <@wrbtrader> small WRB pt1 reached
[13:32:46] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4019.00 -> large size
[13:32:56] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[13:33:13] <@wrbtrader> chasing the increasing volatility
[13:34:31] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4018.75 --> + 0.25
[13:34:39] <@wrbtrader> :(\
[13:35:04] <@wrbtrader> Poor entries today...impacting my profits
[14:05:13] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4017.00 -> large size
[14:05:25] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[14:07:17] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 4023.50 --> + 6.5
[14:08:59] <@wrbtrader> Take care and see you tomorrow

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