June 14th - Tuesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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June 14th - Tuesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:30:22] * Now talking in #ThestrategyLab
[09:30:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:33:19] <@wrbtrader> Good morning...
[09:33:48] <@wrbtrader> My arm is still stiff (no flexibility) and painful but a lot better today than yesterday.
[09:33:59] <TigerBoy___> gm al
[09:34:02] <TigerBoy___> hi wrbtrader
[09:34:15] <@wrbtrader> in reference to my shoulder (deltoid muscle)
[09:34:15] <TigerBoy___> good to know its improving
[09:34:21] <@wrbtrader> Yep
[09:36:26] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 3766.50 large 20pz
[09:36:51] <TigerBoy___> exit 1/2 @ 3765.25 +1.25
[09:37:31] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3761.75 +4.75
[09:37:47] <@wrbtrader> I need to do a quick reboot...
[09:37:52] <TigerBoy___> entry via Dome @ market open
[09:37:52] * You have left #ThestrategyLab
[09:39:55] * Now talking in #ThestrategyLab
[09:39:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:44:18] <TigerBoy___> fast sell off
[09:46:31] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 3760.50 very large
[09:46:49] <TigerBoy___> exit 1/2 @ 3759 +1.5
[09:47:54] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3753.75 +6.75
[09:48:41] <TigerBoy___> entry around 9:40am via Dome pressure plus it crossed a S from that KEY area
[09:49:19] <TigerBoy___> I report just 2 exit ... in reality I usually do many scale out
[09:49:55] <TigerBoy___> simply not possible post all of them
[09:50:17] <TigerBoy___> I also do more trades between my posted here
[09:52:20] <TigerBoy___> fast market today ... I see that via lower commissions impact in my trading
[09:52:42] <TigerBoy___> simply I m collecting more points then usual x my style
[09:55:02] <@wrbtrader> Keep at it :)
[09:55:28] <@wrbtrader> including continuing to do the routine that you do to trade
[09:55:50] <TigerBoy___> yeah thanks I appreciate all your support
[09:56:11] <@wrbtrader> You ever watch tennis...the great Rafael Nadal play...
[09:56:45] <TigerBoy___> I just do too many scalps .. when it moves fast and reach a larher target thats good x me
[09:56:59] <TigerBoy___> 15:56 @wrbtrader: You ever watch tennis...the great Rafael Nadal play... yep I did
[09:57:22] <TigerBoy___> I hoped a Nadal Djokovic final
[09:57:25] <@wrbtrader> He has this strange routine as he prepares to play tennis including how he sets his water bottles up next to his tennis bag...the number of steps he takes before serving...a lot of strange things that he does.
[09:57:36] <TigerBoy___> anyway it was amazing final
[09:57:59] <@wrbtrader> That's his routine...it quickly gets him into a mental zone to play tennis at the top of his game
[09:58:32] <TigerBoy___> yeah includ that many touch around his chin fronthead and so on
[09:59:15] <TigerBoy___> yeah simply be confident in ourself not so easy
[09:59:30] <TigerBoy___> Tennis is very demanding sport
[09:59:44] <TigerBoy___> body and mind too
[09:59:59] <TigerBoy___> as you know I did lot of tournaments
[10:00:38] <TigerBoy___> level they play nowdays its crazy
[10:01:50] <TigerBoy___> a lot of stress on deltoids when you play a top spin that heavy rotation ,as you can see clear in nadal play
[10:03:18] <@wrbtrader> I'm not familiar with the body mechanics of Tennis players but I'm more familiar with the body mechanics of rowing and baseball.
[10:04:17] <TigerBoy___> in contrast I m not so familiar with those you mentioned
[10:04:20] <@wrbtrader> Regardless, the pressure and tork that we put on our shoulder tendons, muscle and bones is crazy.
[10:05:02] <@wrbtrader> especially in baseball, quarterbacks in football or tennis players
[10:05:04] <TigerBoy___> yeah sure ... I stressed too much my back with sports like Surf Snoboard and Skateboards
[10:05:46] <TigerBoy___> because you have to keep the balance on board all the time
[10:06:05] <TigerBoy___> also lot of torsion when you turn
[10:12:49] <@wrbtrader> Yeah, I watched a pro surfing competition on TV once several years ago...that guy suffered a back injury (herniated a disc) just by the tork his surf board against a wave in the opposite direction
[10:13:52] <TigerBoy___> yeah I suspect my back issue can derived from those xtreme movements
[10:20:57] <@wrbtrader> intraday low broken
[10:22:41] <TigerBoy___> yep while VIX tick higher just not ò todays high
[10:23:01] <@wrbtrader> this is contract rollover week for the Eminis...I think
[10:23:22] <@wrbtrader> It may be witching week too
[10:23:38] <@wrbtrader> I'll check the calendar later tonight to confirm
[10:23:41] <TigerBoy___> plus Fomc
[10:23:47] <@wrbtrader> Yep
[10:23:55] <@wrbtrader> A big week of trading
[10:24:21] <TigerBoy___> yeah lot of pressure on rates
[10:24:45] <@wrbtrader> This may be one of the most important weeks of the year
[10:25:37] <TigerBoy___> it will be interesting monitor tomorrow fomc because maybe could be a big one
[10:30:26] <TigerBoy___> bitcoin around same level 2 years ago
[10:30:37] <TigerBoy___> lost almost 70%
[10:46:10] <@wrbtrader> I'm not expecting huge volatility price movement until AFTER the FOMC Announcement tomorrow
[10:46:27] <@wrbtrader> maybe Thursday, Friday and/or next Monday
[10:47:05] <@wrbtrader> reason why I'm not upset about missing too much trading right now because of my shoulder
[10:50:52] <@wrbtrader> There are some very important Key KME WRB Zones far above the current price levels
[10:51:38] <@wrbtrader> It will only take a big FOMC Announcement to create enough volatility to push prices UPWARD into those Key KME WRB Zones...
[10:52:03] <@wrbtrader> Not likely to occur in the current economic, war, high gas prices environment
[11:24:01] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 3735.50 -> small size
[11:24:13] <@wrbtrader> 2 contracts
[11:24:58] <@wrbtrader> late entry that was almost a missed entry because I was looking at some other charts (Eurex)
[11:26:03] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 3746.25 --> + 10.75
[11:26:14] <@wrbtrader> WRB pt1 reached
[11:28:47] <@wrbtrader> It's a bad habit that I have that when I'm bored with the Emini futures charts...
[11:29:16] <@wrbtrader> I will pull up start paying more attention to what Eurex/Euronext futures are doing
[11:30:42] <@wrbtrader> Here's an example of the time difference from my broker trade execution platform to posting the trade here in the chat room...
[11:31:49] <@wrbtrader> Trade in 25my audit trail window of my broker platform @ 11:23:25.xxx
[11:32:16] <@wrbtrader> Trade posted here in the chat room @ 11:24:01
[11:32:55] <@wrbtrader> that's a 35 second difference
[11:33:21] <@wrbtrader> :)
[11:34:16] <TigerBoy___> 35 seconds it is ages in fast market
[11:56:02] <@wrbtrader> I think its normal cognitive-decision making of what someone does after a trade confirmation
[11:57:43] <@wrbtrader> My point, its not the trade posting...it would have taken just as long for me to "decide" to get up and turn on the TV, put socks on, walk to the refrig to gat a glass of water :)
[11:58:19] <@wrbtrader> As soon as we're in a trade...there's a delay to do the next thing even if its not related to trading.
[11:59:53] <@wrbtrader> In comparison, as soon as you make a decision to turn on the TV or go to the toilet...your mind takes ONLY a few seconds for the next cognitive-decision making process
[12:00:01] <TigerBoy___> ah yeah exactly I just pointed out ..35 seconds it is long time inside market movements
[12:00:35] <@wrbtrader> Thus, there's something about "a trade" that slows down the cognitive-decision making process
[12:01:14] <TigerBoy___> as you know I trade very fast when I can
[12:01:38] <TigerBoy___> simply I can be distracted while I m in a trade, expecialy first seconds
[12:01:39] <@wrbtrader> maybe its simply looking at the charts or other subtle thinking processes such as "adjusting" trail stops or when to do it
[12:02:09] <TigerBoy___> posting here is my last thing
[12:02:52] <@wrbtrader> Yeah, same here...I do get distracted in the first few seconds in a trade but then something happens with the brain that requires me to re-focus again...that entire process to get done...
[12:02:55] <TigerBoy___> you say 35 seconds... ages for fast up/down tick in market , to posting here is really fast instead
[12:03:18] <@wrbtrader> Takes about 7 - 35 seconds to then decide to post the trade
[12:03:46] <@wrbtrader> that's the last thing in the cognitive thinkin while a trade is still open
[12:04:56] <@wrbtrader> Since my hospitalization in the fall of 2016...
[12:05:31] <@wrbtrader> I've been reading more books about the cognitive-decision making process as recommending by my psycho-therapist at that time.
[12:06:00] <@wrbtrader> It's fascinating espcially the chapters on Behavioral Finance
[12:06:04] <TigerBoy___> I m just looking @ my trades fill ... I can enter one trade scale out after few seconds... then enter another trade after 10 seconds or less
[12:06:41] <TigerBoy___> simply many trades to be posted
[12:06:55] <TigerBoy___> usually I have 4 pages of fills
[12:07:08] <@wrbtrader> Yeah
[12:07:32] <TigerBoy___> I have to post them @ TSL forum
[12:07:45] <TigerBoy___> I ll start with May
[12:07:49] <@wrbtrader> That's on the Entry of a trade...our minds is much faster in the thinking process for the Exit of a trade
[12:09:30] <TigerBoy___> @ this point I m curious to see us trading @ 80 years old
[12:10:08] <@wrbtrader> I met an 80 year old trader before :)
[12:10:15] <TigerBoy___> considering it will not so easy skateboarding @ that age
[12:10:34] <@wrbtrader> not a pretty picture
[12:11:14] <TigerBoy___> anyway many old guys still skying
[12:11:56] <TigerBoy___> also do bodybuilding competitions
[12:12:01] <@wrbtrader> Yeah, I would see elderly people skiing at the ski resort.
[12:12:27] <@wrbtrader> I'm a skiier...it will probably be something I will do more often when I retire from trading
[12:12:49] <TigerBoy___> only problem is bone break if bone desity is not fixed
[12:12:49] <@wrbtrader> that and rowing
[12:16:21] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 3732
[12:16:24] <TigerBoy___> medium
[12:16:33] <TigerBoy___> 10pz
[12:17:10] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3729.50 +2.50
[12:17:43] <TigerBoy___> I scaled out all 10 pz @ various levels between my entry and last exit posted
[12:18:38] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 3737.75 -> small size
[12:18:55] <@wrbtrader> 3 contracts poor entry
[12:20:21] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 3741.00 --> + 3.25
[12:20:35] <@wrbtrader> small WRB pt1 reached
[12:20:49] <@wrbtrader> I have a strong negative bias today about the markets...
[12:20:57] <TigerBoy___> entry @ 12:14:50 post here @ 12:16
[12:21:02] <@wrbtrader> didn't want to stay too long in Long positions today
[12:21:40] <@wrbtrader> snapback downs have been fast and furious
[12:21:55] <TigerBoy___> yep fast action
[12:27:53] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[12:28:01] <TigerBoy___> thanks x the chat wrbtrader
[12:28:15] <TigerBoy___> have a nice evening see you tomorrow
[12:39:57] <@wrbtrader> You too...take care and see you tomorrow
[12:50:07] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 3735.00 -> small size
[12:50:31] <@wrbtrader> 2 contracts
[12:50:48] <@wrbtrader> caught by a snapback Down :(
[12:52:52] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 3736.00 --> + 1
[12:52:58] <@wrbtrader> bailed
[12:53:42] <@wrbtrader> I will put on more size if I get a Short signal but I just haven't seen any or I've missed them
[13:13:12] * You have left #ThestrategyLab
[13:17:56] * Now talking in #ThestrategyLab
[13:17:56] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[13:22:21] <@wrbtrader> Needed to do a reboot after some very bad ping numbers to my broker
[13:22:50] <@wrbtrader> price action testing a resistance area
[13:25:04] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3761.50 -> small size
[13:25:14] <@wrbtrader> 3 contracts
[13:25:39] <@wrbtrader> position size error...wanted to have 6 contracts
[13:25:51] <@wrbtrader> poor entry too
[13:26:50] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3755.75 --> + 5.75
[13:27:02] <@wrbtrader> small WRB pt1 reached
[13:42:43] <@wrbtrader> price action still retracing back down after that decent counter-thrust Up
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> CME Group Alert: MARKET EVENT
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> E-mini S&P 500 trades down 1% from its previous close
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> 5 hours after E-mini S&P 500 trades down 1% from its previous close has shown the most consistent results
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> On Jun 14, 02:13 PM, E-mini S&P 500 price declined 1% from its previous close. This has occured 33 times over the last 12 months.
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> 52% (17 out of these 33 times), the price has decreased 5 hours later by an average of 23.43 points. The maximum decrease in price has been 71.5 points.
[15:21:14] <@wrbtrader> 16 times out of 33, the price has increased 5 hours later by an average of 21.28 points. The maximum price increase has been 85.0 points.
[16:20:07] <@wrbtrader> Take care and see you tomorrow

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