April 17th Monday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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April 17th Monday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:29:03] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[09:29:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:31:39] * You have left #TheStrategyLab
[10:03:02] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[10:03:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[10:05:44] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[10:06:15] <@wrbtrader> this should be an easy Short down to and then below the R area of the Key KME WRB Zone
[10:36:22] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4165.50 -> large size
[10:36:46] <@wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[11:23:48] <@wrbtrader> price action having a lot of difficuly with its volatilitty near this R area of the Key KME WRB Zone
[11:24:52] <@wrbtrader> VIX not helping...its flat lining too for the past 15 minutes
[11:25:31] <@wrbtrader> meant since 10:45am est
[11:49:47] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4151.25 --> + 14.25
[11:51:01] <@wrbtrader> more range like price action has been showing up around the s/r levels of Key KME WRB Zones
[11:54:43] <@wrbtrader> If we pay more attention to the daily / weekly chart of the VIX...we can easily see when the price action was difficult to trade (mid March) and has been contracting in its volatility ever since...meaning more trading ranges and less trend days
[11:58:27] <@wrbtrader> Lately, there has been LESS trade opportunities due to the contracted volatility
[11:58:56] <@wrbtrader> That's OK with me because I wanted to spend more time traveling and less trading :)
[12:00:18] <@wrbtrader> Traveling and family time with the teenagers :)
[15:07:45] <@wrbtrader> Ok...I'm back for the last regular trading session hour
[15:39:12] * Disconnected
[15:40:18] * Rejoined channel #TheStrategyLab
[16:04:44] <wrbtrader1> No trades this afternoon because I missed the only Long signal that appeared
[16:05:04] <wrbtrader1> Take care and see you tomorrow
[16:06:53] * You have left #TheStrategyLab

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