March 16th Thursday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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March 16th Thursday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[10:34:32] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[10:34:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[10:34:43] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[10:35:20] <TigerBoy___> hi wrbtrader
[10:37:13] <TigerBoy___> LG NQ 12407 medium
[10:37:48] <TigerBoy___> exit all NQ @ 12414 +7
[10:38:00] <TigerBoy___> R from KEY here
[11:35:37] <@wrbtrader> I missed the only trade signal of the trading day due to computer problems :(
[11:37:14] <TigerBoy___> in contrast I have ton of chart to update ... simply not enought time to complete that via others personat things to fix
[11:51:03] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3969.00 -> medium size
[11:51:06] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[11:51:19] <@wrbtrader> will be a tough trade
[11:51:34] <@wrbtrader> early entry
[11:52:36] <@wrbtrader> trail stop tighten
[11:53:49] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3970.00 --> - 1
[11:53:57] <@wrbtrader> trail stop picked
[11:56:05] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 3972.00 -> medium size
[11:56:08] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[11:57:09] <@wrbtrader> Key KME WRB Zone sitting above
[11:57:44] <@wrbtrader> S area of the Key KME WRB Zone
[11:58:27] <@wrbtrader> testing it now
[11:58:51] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 3975.00 --> + 3
[11:59:06] <@wrbtrader> trail stop picked :(
[12:01:53] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[12:02:04] <TigerBoy___> take care wrbtrader see you next time
[13:30:22] <@wrbtrader> I'm calling it quits early too...take care and see you tomorrow

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