December 12th Monday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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December 12th Monday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:41:53] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[09:41:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:42:03] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[09:44:09] <TigerBoy___> hi wrbtrader
[09:44:20] <TigerBoy___> SH mNQ @ 1553 medium
[09:45:02] <TigerBoy___> exit all mNQ @ 11551.75 +1.25
[09:45:08] <TigerBoy___> entry was 1553
[09:45:22] <TigerBoy___> messy action
[09:45:38] <TigerBoy___> jump fast around this S
[09:45:50] <TigerBoy___> not a clear run up anywhere
[09:54:26] <TigerBoy___> I did many trades so far all of them around this area
[09:55:08] <TigerBoy___> simply no big new on radar today ... Algos play here back and forth very difficult to trade this junk
[09:56:39] <@wrbtrader> If I remember correctly...the 2 months before a recession were extremely difficult to trade and then when the recession hit...volatility exploded making trading very very easy
[10:06:59] <@wrbtrader> A lot of long shadow intervals
[10:27:46] * Disconnected
[10:28:06] * Rejoined channel #TheStrategyLab
[10:43:01] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[10:43:10] <TigerBoy___> take care wrbtrader see you next time
[10:48:10] <@wrbtrader> too
[10:48:39] <@wrbtrader> Price action trying very hard to Short Squeeze in this price area
[10:48:52] <@wrbtrader> while the VIX is flatlined
[10:52:59] <@wrbtrader> I'm calling it quits early today. I just didn't feel like trading. Actually, I felt lazy today :D
[10:53:56] * You have left #TheStrategyLab

M.A. Perry

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