September 14th - Wednesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

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September 14th - Wednesday: #wrbanalysis #wrbhiddengap #wrbzone #volatilityanalysis #correlationanalysis

#1 Post by wrbtrader »

[09:21:40] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[09:21:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[09:21:49] <@wrbtrader> Good morning...
[09:31:53] <@wrbtrader> wierd price action out of thee gate...a lot of contradiction as in mixed signals
[09:33:37] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3958.00 -> medium size
[09:33:43] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[09:38:38] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3956.25 --> + 1.75
[09:38:44] <@wrbtrader> punks
[09:38:51] <@wrbtrader> moving too fast for me :(
[09:38:56] <@wrbtrader> trail stop picked
[09:39:24] <@wrbtrader> bounced off the the R area of the Key KME WRB Zone
[09:40:05] <@wrbtrader> I traded the 0830am est KME with a Short...It did the same thing.
[09:40:33] <TigerBoy___> gm all
[09:40:37] <TigerBoy___> Hi wrbtrader
[09:40:43] <@wrbtrader> It moved nicely for me but then it bounced off that R area to trail stop pick my trade :(
[09:41:29] <TigerBoy___> Now ES try to move up to a S from KEY area
[09:42:40] <@wrbtrader> I will try again if it drops again but this time will also be ready for a position reversal if it bounces off that R area again
[09:47:41] <TigerBoy___> ES moved Up from that S till its R above
[09:48:08] <TigerBoy___> noizy action lot of contrast between instruments
[09:48:30] <TigerBoy___> I did 2 alrge short on this area
[09:48:44] <TigerBoy___> and last a long expoiting its rebound
[09:50:02] <TigerBoy___> entry via Dome whre I focused on this odd contrast ... plus entry focused on cross S KEY area
[09:54:19] <@wrbtrader> Price action stuck in between two Key KME WRB Zones :(
[09:56:13] <@wrbtrader> VIX @ 26.93
[09:57:01] <TigerBoy___> now lot of contraction
[09:57:14] <@wrbtrader> I am now expecting volatility spike to push the Eminis strongly Up thru the Key KME above of Down thru the Key KME below :(
[09:57:38] * Disconnected
[09:57:59] * Rejoined channel #TheStrategyLab
[09:58:48] <Matoskah_Akechet> I just briefly got entire network
[09:58:57] <Matoskah_Akechet> That's a first in several years
[09:59:24] <Matoskah_Akechet> Usually its just a disconnection problem with IRC...not my internet
[09:59:33] <TigerBoy___> yeah I see now 2 names wrb and the other matoskah
[09:59:53] * You have left #TheStrategyLab
[10:00:41] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[10:00:49] * You have left #TheStrategyLab
[10:03:00] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[10:03:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[10:03:57] <TigerBoy___> can be a nice short if price cross below recent CV area
[10:11:34] <@wrbtrader> More ranging now
[10:11:52] <@wrbtrader> while stuck between two Key KME WRB Zones
[10:12:01] <@wrbtrader> not really trying to push Up nor Down
[10:12:25] <@wrbtrader> Markets may be waiting for the 1030am est KME
[10:12:37] <@wrbtrader> to juice up the price action
[10:16:46] <@wrbtrader> VIX range bound too
[10:17:32] <TigerBoy___> yep terrible action now
[10:17:35] <@wrbtrader> Maybe yesterday knocked the wind out of everybody :)
[10:18:15] <TigerBoy___> wrbtrader... next time I alert you before...
[10:18:50] <TigerBoy___> most everytime I m not trading Markets move a lot
[10:19:48] <TigerBoy___> or maybe no need that you dont see me here .... Big move is coming so prepare x it and push some size :)
[10:24:41] <@wrbtrader> back to the R area of that Key KME WRB Zone
[10:25:39] <@wrbtrader> Pending KME around the corner @ 1030am est
[10:26:21] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3950.00 -> medium size
[10:26:28] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[10:30:24] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3939.75 --> + 10.25
[10:30:38] <TigerBoy___> SH 3941.25 medium
[10:30:57] <TigerBoy___> exit 1/2 @ 3940.50 +.75
[10:31:10] <@wrbtrader> WRB pt1 reached
[10:31:26] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3940.25 +1
[10:31:27] <@wrbtrader> meant WRB pt2
[10:32:02] <TigerBoy___> price crossed below my S KEY area
[10:32:12] <TigerBoy___> I also did another short before ..
[10:32:35] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 3948.25 large
[10:33:09] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3945.50 +2.75
[10:39:30] <TigerBoy___> LG mES @ 3958.75 large
[10:40:16] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3962.50 +3.75
[10:40:47] <TigerBoy___> trade posted right after the fill
[10:41:11] <TigerBoy___> did that via the fcat I was protecting it with a trial during its way up
[10:53:24] <TigerBoy___> LG mES @ 3967 large
[10:53:42] <TigerBoy___> exit all @ 3969.50 +2.50
[10:54:22] <TigerBoy___> I got a better entry ...nevetheless price jump too much hit a trail the rebound up again
[10:54:47] <TigerBoy___> now @ 3975.50
[10:55:16] <TigerBoy___> simply seem too easy... in reality these fast jump can hurt a lot without stops
[11:06:44] <@wrbtrader> I remember the first time I traded the FOMC announcements...
[11:07:03] <@wrbtrader> It was a day that I also had a habit of not using stops.
[11:07:23] <@wrbtrader> That was in the mid 90s
[11:07:28] <TigerBoy___> wow
[11:07:52] <@wrbtrader> I remember seeing the price quickly go against me by -3 points...
[11:08:05] <TigerBoy___> question is : the trade did good @ the end ?
[11:08:06] <@wrbtrader> I did a market out in thinking it was the fastest way
[11:08:39] <@wrbtrader> Within a blink of an eye...I was out of the trade @ -12 points
[11:09:11] <@wrbtrader> The next two trades I used stops...
[11:09:31] <@wrbtrader> -4 and again -4 all within another minute
[11:09:46] <@wrbtrader> I was suddenly down -20 points
[11:10:12] <@wrbtrader> The the 4th trade +27 points :)
[11:10:38] <@wrbtrader> I called it quits for the day and that's how I learned to ALWAYS use stops :)
[11:10:55] <TigerBoy___> good :)
[11:11:42] <@wrbtrader> I remember that trading day well because it was also the first day I traded on a Laptop...
[11:11:53] <@wrbtrader> My first NEC
[11:12:19] <@wrbtrader> I think I paid like $5.5k for that laptop
[11:12:54] <@wrbtrader> crazy times
[11:16:45] <TigerBoy___> yeah they was so expensive those days
[11:17:22] <TigerBoy___> infact I never bought laptop ... till few year ago
[11:17:39] <TigerBoy___> now price is similar to desktop
[11:18:06] <TigerBoy___> anyway I prefer desktop
[11:18:25] <TigerBoy___> of course x home use
[11:19:43] <TigerBoy___> SH mES @ 3970.50
[11:20:08] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3970.25 +.25
[11:22:12] <TigerBoy___> SH mES 3968.50
[11:22:17] <TigerBoy___> re-entry large
[11:22:40] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3966.75 +.75
[11:35:40] <@wrbtrader> A lot of volatility contraction now for about 15 minis
[11:35:48] <@wrbtrader> minutes
[12:06:00] <TigerBoy___> today I did mixed trades reviewing seems my best hang on wher I got more points was this :
[12:06:13] <TigerBoy___> LG mES @ 3957.50 large
[12:06:35] <TigerBoy___> exit 1/2 @ 3956.50 +1
[12:07:19] <TigerBoy___> exit all mES @ 3949.50 +8
[12:07:41] <TigerBoy___> entry around 9:33 am
[12:08:04] <TigerBoy___> exit last @ 9:35 am
[12:08:24] <TigerBoy___> did a bunch of 1 pz in last part
[12:09:06] <TigerBoy___> entry via cross S from KEY area
[12:19:14] <@wrbtrader> I'm just watching this junk...range bound since 1100am est
[12:19:47] <@wrbtrader> many contracts you trading with MES ?
[12:20:13] <@wrbtrader> I see your post saying "large"
[12:21:32] <TigerBoy___> yeah sometimes I not write the size
[12:21:50] <TigerBoy___> usually 20 is large
[12:22:02] <@wrbtrader> Ahh...Ok
[12:22:19] <TigerBoy___> sometimes I use more like 30
[12:22:54] <TigerBoy___> I like use large because then I can scale out @ different levels with just 1 contract
[12:23:32] <@wrbtrader> can't scale trading 1 Emini ES contract :0
[12:23:34] <@wrbtrader> :)
[12:23:36] <TigerBoy___> 20 contract is like 2 contracts in mini ES
[12:23:49] <@wrbtrader> Yep
[12:23:52] <TigerBoy___> so not huge
[12:24:35] <TigerBoy___> x example in my last trade posted I did lot of scale out with 1 pz
[12:25:15] <TigerBoy___> that is a training ... one day should be done on mini ES
[12:25:44] <TigerBoy___> not ready yet that size put to much pressure on my brain
[12:25:58] <TigerBoy___> plus I don t have so much money :)
[12:26:38] <TigerBoy___> plus just recovering after same car accident
[12:27:20] <TigerBoy___> trading not on best form is a very difficult now
[12:28:16] <TigerBoy___> of course as you know commissions not the best on mES plus low liquidity
[12:30:04] <TigerBoy___> wrbtrader not sure there .... in UK some firms let their traders with Huge $ to take Big positions
[12:30:18] <TigerBoy___> private arcade rooms
[12:30:43] <TigerBoy___> start with small ... then if traders is good give him more
[12:31:16] <TigerBoy___> usually a 50/50 profit between firm and single trader
[12:47:03] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3970.50 -> medium size
[12:47:10] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[12:47:33] <@wrbtrader> :(
[12:48:43] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3971.00 --> - 0.5
[12:48:48] <@wrbtrader> bailed
[12:50:44] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 3973.50 -> medium size
[12:50:51] <@wrbtrader> 5 contracts
[12:50:52] <@wrbtrader> chasing
[12:52:20] <@wrbtrader> not sure that it can reach the Key KME WRB Zone sitting above
[12:52:26] <@wrbtrader> its still trying
[12:53:36] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 3973.75 --> + 0.25
[12:53:47] <@wrbtrader> bailed again :(
[12:55:03] <@wrbtrader> Price action should have dropped like a rock...
[12:55:25] <@wrbtrader> Yet it didn't...there must be a strong support up in this price
[12:57:37] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[12:57:46] <TigerBoy___> take care wrbtrader see you next time
[13:10:07] <@wrbtrader> Take care
[13:10:18] <@wrbtrader> VIX in a tight trading range
[13:10:51] <@wrbtrader> since 1245pm est
[13:32:56] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 3966.25 -> medium size
[14:20:33] <@wrbtrader> back up to the R area of the Key KME WRB Zone :(
[13:58:55] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 3951.75 --> + 14.5
[14:34:39] * You have left #TheStrategyLab
[14:41:26] * Now talking in #TheStrategyLab
[14:41:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +o wrbtrader
[16:00:44] <@wrbtrader> Took a long nap after my last trade :)
[16:00:53] <@wrbtrader> Take care and see you tomorrow

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